Thursday, September 18, 2008

Worth the Time

I just watched a short video of Barack Obama talking about how he's going to get our economy back on track.

He's offering real solutions.

Watch the video. It's worth your time. (this link will take you to Barack Obama's website. I went out and found it on YouTube so you can just sit back and watch it right now without moving an inch.



A Jersey Girl said...

For the record, I am an honest-to-goodness INDEPENDENT and do my best to educate myself on both sides. My question on this is two-fold, first, Sen Obama continues to talk about change in Washington, yet he has been there for almost 4 years and has yet to pass A SINGLE piece of legislation through Congress. Second, how quickly we forget where the Senator came from, The great state of Illinois was the site of huge corruption that went all the way to the governor's office while Obama was in the State House. The corruption of Illinois politics is infamous and riddled with lobbyists that helped him get into office.

So, what I would love to hear him talk about is how things are going to be different and why we should believe that he is going to be the one to do it.

And yes, if you were to post something about McCain I would ask questions too. I am really out there looking for the answers and weeding through the lies to find the best answer. Thank you for posting this, and if you have information that will help me make my decision in November, give it to me, I believe knowledge is power!


A Jersey Girl said...

And Casey, Thanks for hearing me out:)


Lynilu said...

Like Jersey girl, I would like to hear from all of them, HOW and WHY. But the reality of "politics ... riddled with lobbyists" is the background of EVERY politician. I'd love to see that change, but I don't hold my breath. And as far as what I read/hear, what I've come to believe of the candidates, I'll take the O in a heartbeat over the Mc.