Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Crazy day. We left the house at 9:30 after getting Kelton off to school and we didn't get back until 2:45 this afternoon. We were out and about running errands for the morning and then this afternoon we went to Kelton's school to work on a last minute fund raising project.

Just as we were about to leave this morning an emergency call for help email came through from the PTO president. Last night he got a call from the the distributor of The PayBack Book that our shipment was being delivered to the school in the morning. PayBack is a coupon book that is area specific and targets differently than, for instance, The Entertainment Book. (For us, the area's Entertainment Book focuses on Portland and since that isn't my city we rarely use anything from it and therefore don't buy the book.)

Apparently last years PTO president signed a contract for the fund raiser but the notes were not transferred to the new president and it fell through the cracks. Ironically, we had just decided last week not to do fund raisers where the kids have to go to friends, neighbors and relatives to sell things. But... the contract was signed and in place and we have no choice but to follow through on this one.

So after running around this morning, Kaylen and I headed to the school. Besides me and the president, two other people showed up to help and we whipped it all together in just about an hour and a half. I was impressed with the level of teamwork - it's as if we had been working together from a long time instead of just meeting today. Everything is done and waiting to go home with students on Friday. Now I just have to try to find people to buy a few books which is easier said that done but I'll do the best I can.

The (not so) funny part in all this is that I bought this exact same coupon book 10 days ago from a mom in my moms club. Oh the irony!

After finishing at the school, Kaylen and I raced home so I could get stuff put away and some chores in the house done before Kelton arrived home from school.

Phew! What a day!

But here is a really bright spot; Kaylen's sunflowers are starting to bloom! This little girl of mine has had a stellar year for gardening. Her Marigolds are still growing and blooming, all the veggies she help Dakota plant are doing well, her Zinnias are amazing and her pumpkins...well....they are there but I doubt they will be orange by Halloween. Next year we'll plant them earlier.

But check this out - isn't it cool? She is sooooo proud of herself!


Perrin said...

Oh the fundraisers! I know they are needed but they can be dreadful. Especially now with so many costs at the start of the school year. NOw with 2 kids in school I have double of the same fundraisers. I think I will just return the 2nd payback book and feel embarrassed. Oh well! Good for you for joining in with the PTO owrk. I am diving in for the first time this year.

Mimi said...

Now that you are a school will see just how many parents always seems to be the same ones ALWAYS.....When my daughter was a senior in high school…..the principal stopped me in the hall and made the comment boy after this year not sure who will do everything that you and another family has ALWAYS been there……It’s amazing the help you won’t get….I was a full time working mother at the time….but when mine were little I worked all of the parties and field trips….just took a vacation day from work……enjoy it now you’ll blink and it will all be over…..

One Boys Mom said...

It's awesome that you can help out at Kelton's school. I feel so guilty that I just can't do much for Declan's school. I'm too busy with my own school to really think about Declan's :( (I'm advising a club that meets 2x a week this year) AND I'd love to purchase 2 books!

Monogram Queen said...

They are lucky you've got their back!

Our sunflowers are done for the season but we sure have enjoyed them. Kaylen has a green thumb!!!

Melanie said...

LOVE Kaylen's beautiful flower!! Tell her a green thumb is a good thing! :)