Sunday, September 28, 2008

If They Can See It....

If people in the busniness of politics for years and years and years can see it then please God, let the American people WAKE UP!!

Pathetic, indeed.

That's all I have to say about that. At least for today. Maybe. :)


Mimi said...

All we can pray for is that McCain DOESN'T die in office...

Casey said...

Oh no! that isn't all we can pray for. We can pray he doesn't even *get* into office.

Casey said...

Let's be clear on one thing - you aren't just voting for the one candidate (McCain or Obama)- you are voting for their running mates as well. They are a package deal and who they chose says a LOT.

So if you vote for McCain, you are voting FOR Palin as well. You are saying "Yes - I think she is a qualified individual to run this country if necessary." And let's also be clear that McCain is 72 years old and has the healthy conditions of a person that age - one that has battled cancer with a known recurrency between 7-10 years. We are edging ever closer to the 10 year mark for his cancer (I think it's year 8 currently).

So - a vote for McCain is a vote for Palin taking over the presidency if necessary.

So all we can do is pray for his health? Come on people - we can do better than that. We NEED to do better than that. Palin is terrifying. Just search for video of her interviews. If that doesn't scream loudly then well - I'd get my hearing checked if you I were you. :)

Mimi said...

True Palin is scary....just like obama is scary, but he would be there again we or should I say I have to go with the less evil....

Froggymama said...

Why is Obama scary?

Why? Is he too smart? Is that scary? Is he too black? What is scary about that man?

And so far, Bush's little walk with God has killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's and thousands of Americans. Let's pray, but first, let's get informed, and then pray we can make an informed decision at the polls.

But honestly, why is Obama scary?

I'm scared of Sarah Palin because she believes the universe is 4000 years old. Ask any first grader if that fact is correct. I'm scared that she doesn't believe in educating kids about sex education (her daughter as a great example as to why that is important, because talking about issues isn't the problem, the back of her boyrfriend's pickup truck without a condom is one). I'm scared that she is completely uninformed about policy, especially foreign policy, and the only reason she is in this position, is because McCain and his camp needed the female vote, and she pulls at those mama heartstrings, rather than our brainstrings! I pray that we wise up. I pray that McCain (who does not look healthy) is not our next president. And I pray that if he is, I'll have enough money to move to Sweden.

Mimi said...

First of all I don't think we can talk about someone's child getting pregnant, because it can happen to ANYONE…..thank god it didn’t happen to my daughter but it can happen….and no obama isn’t scary because he’s black, I don’t care if he’s black, yellow or purple….he DOESN’T have enough experience……and I don’t like the fact he was raise muslin I know that doesn’t bother many people but I’m sorry it scares the shit out of me….

Brenda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
A Jersey Girl said...

Too bad we aren't just voting for a VP, I would be all over Biden:)

I love him!

Lynilu said...

Just voting for VP? The point is to have a team that complement each other, fill the gaps for each other. I think Obama and Biden do a great job of that. McCain/Palin are so full of holes, gaps, schisms, that it takes my breath away!

As to the Muslim issue, please research it!! This has been clarified dozens of times, but the right keeps it going. Read, research!

momtothreeboys said...

Okay, so that is just scary. I mean can't you just SEE Katie's mind working - kinda like "Lady, do you have ANY fu*king idea what you're talking about?"

And McCain - holy sh*t - that man is pro-war, pro-everything that will get this country into further debt.

We just can't afford to have either of these two people in office.

Sorry for the profanity!

Froggymama said...

Obama wasn't raised a Muslim. And even if he had been, who cares? I know many people who were raised Muslim or converted and they are not extremists, they do not hate America, and they do not embrace the "kill the infidel" mentality, anymore than most Christians reject the biblical passage that commands parents to kill their own children if they do not believe in God. The muslims I know are gentle, law abiding citizens, who love their families, don't drink or do drugs, and are respectful of all religions. And on the contrary, I know plenty of Christians who have said "Just blow them all up" while referring to the problem/people in the middle east. Extremism is extremism, and religion is being used as an excuse for justifying hatred. And there is never a justification for hatred or bigotry. But this is all beside the point anyway, because Obama isn't, nor has he ever been a Muslim.

Ree said...

All I can say is --OMG God Help us all!!

Monogram Queen said...

Yeah, what Casey said!