Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Ready, Set, Don't Go

If you haven't read the post I did just a bit ago about Kelton's first day - don't miss it. It's beneath this one.

All day long I've had this song in my head. Sure - my version is a bit different (as in he/him/his in place of her/she, etc.) and Kelton isn't packing up his car to leave or anything but still - the finality of it hits me. He will never again be just mine, at home with me. I will stop being his entire universe but he (and his sister) remain mine. He's ready. He'll be ok. But it hurts my heart in an unbelievable way. I'm not ready. Is any parent really ready? I doubt it. The goodbyes, from here on out, become more and more. More time away. it is: Ready, Set, Don't Go!


Monogram Queen said...

Just wait til' Kaylen goes to school.... boy i'm just a ray of sunshine here aren't I? Sorry...

Unknown said...

Ive never heard that song before, it is very moving! I like the one she sings where she says "I Miss You". My daughter is a huge fan of hers, and Im just learning her music.

I am sorry you are going thru such a hard time. It will get easier. If that is any help :( Jeri