Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Amazing Day

Today was just one of those perfect days from beginning to end. The kids were happy all day long and they were so much fun to be with! We went on another bike ride around the neighborhood but added a special twist; a scavenger hunt. Before we left the house we drew pictures of all the things we had to find on our way (a leaf, a mailbox, a pine cone, a flower, a "wish" (a dandelion that has gone to seed), a tree and a rock) and then we checked them off the list as we found them. It was fun and the kids really had a great time searching for things.

The day was stunningly beautiful again. 73 at the warmest, though in the afternoon a gusty wind started to blow. Kelton and I sat out on the patio and watched the wind whip through the trees blowing leaves here and there. The sound was great and the sun sparkled off the high branches and, against the blue sky, made it appear that the tree had glitter all over it. Kelton said "This is so cool, Mom!" and it really, really was.

Even dinner time went well.

After diner the kids wanted to go play in the yard, At first I said no but then quickly changed my mind - why the heck not? So out they tumbled to climb and swing on the play structure and dig in the sand box. I even gave them a wagon ride around the yard. Kelton said "Mom - I almost forgot it wasn't summer time." We stayed until the light started to fade and then it in was for a quick snack and bath. Even bath time was unusually peaceful and fun. Normally that is prime time for spinning out of control but instead we had a great time laughing and just being together.

Bedtime went without a hitch too. After stories and hugs and kisses they both just snuggled down and passed out (of course, it probably helped that it was about 40 minutes past their bedtime due to extended backyard time and an exceptionally long chapter in the book we read). It was just one of those perfect days.


Caroline said...

Sounds like it was the perfect day. You know what I love about you Casey? I love how you don't mind breaking up the schedule a little bit so you and the kids have a little bit more fun. Those are the times they will remember when they are older.

Lynilu said...

It sounds great! Do you ever get worried that today was too perfect, wondering what tomorrow might bring? Sorry, don't mean to jinx it!! It will all be fine, I'm sure. Don't you love those days when you can really, really enjoy your time with the kids? Memories are made of these days!!

Brenda said...

Sounds like a great day!

Casey said...

Caroline: Thank you. You know, sometimes I don't see things like that so thank you for pointing it out.

Lynilu: Oh yes - I live in fear of that but you know, today is going well, too. It's a non school day for Kelton and we are managing to stay on track with the good day. WoooHooo!

Brenda: It really, really was.

Monogram Queen said...

Yay for perfect days. Mine has been a little pill lately. I think i'm due for a good day now :)

Anonymous said...

Casey - I am a lurker, not a blogger but I read your blog every day just to see how things are progressing with the little folks. I have 5 grown children, all out on their own, but I remember the stress of those days when nothing went right and Mommy got downright miserable and cranky out of frustration. Those days always pass and you end up having the perfect day like you had yesterday......well worth the playing in the yard and the later bedtime. You will have lots more of those days in the future. Keep up the good work, you are a fantastic Mom.

Ruth in Canada

Shannon said...

Sounds like a perfectly lovely day. Those days are the best. Aren't you glad you have a blog and keep records of these wonderful and not-so-wonderful days so that you'll always remember them?

Stacey said...

sounds like a perfect day. I love the scavenger hunt idea. You are a great mom!

Sheri said...

Ahhhh, well that explains it--you got the PERFECT kids yesterday ... I, on the other hand, had the "other" (TGFW)

Julie said...

Good for you guys!! That does sound like the perfect day. And I must add, you are so creative! A scanvenger hunt/bike ride, what a good idea!

Casey said...

Patti: here's hoping your day is coming!

Ruth: Welcome and thanks for posting! Your kind workds made my day. :)

Shannon: I am really thankful. I plan to have this all put into book format for the kids to have when they are older.

Stacey: It so was not my idea. Kelton came up with the scavenger hunt idea. He is a very creative kid. :)

Sheri: I hope you have a good day soon - they are worth their weight in GOLD!

Julie: I wish I could take credit but nope - it was all Kelton. :)