The WeekendIs it really Sunday already? Where did the time go? I'm not even really sure what was accomplished and I have to tell you, the rain isn't making me feel inspired to accomplish anything further.
On Friday the bee guys came and sprayed in the crawl space and around the vent the bees have been using to enter the space. We have to watch the area for the next 10 days and if the bee activity doesn't stop, they will come back out and respray. Yesterday we went to Home Depot and bought screening material and once the activity stops, we are going to attach the screening to the vent (already screened but clearly not with fine enough screening) to (hopefully) keep those darn things out of the crawl space. The bee guy said there was 40-50 crawling around down there and a bunch more in a nest that they created from dryer lint (which apparently was left under there when we had the dryer vent line replaced last summer). Eeeeeew!! I want the bees gone and I want them gone
NOW!! This company offers a 90 day guarantee so that will at least get us through the majority of the bee season and if they have to come back and respray every 10 days, then so be it (HA! No pun intended.). It just creeps me out so much.
I was sitting in Kaylen's room talking on the phone today and I saw several big fat bumble bees so I know they aren't gone yet. *sigh*
Yesterday we went to Home Depot. Is it strange that I get a happy, giddy feeling whenever I enter a Home Depot? Oh the possibilities! Now don't get me wrong, I don't actually enjoy *doing* the work but I sure like thinking about all the possibilities of what you can do to your house and yard. And the smell of lumber - it just makes me so freakin' happy! Even Kelton said "What's the smell?" and after we told him he said "I really like smelling it - it makes my nose happy." Yeah - me, too. :)
After that I went and had my hair cut while Dakota and the kids walked around Joe's (previously GI Joes which is a sporting good type store) and then went to a craft store to look around. I joined them there when I was finished. I'm lukewarm on my hair but I know I will like it again in a week or so. It definitely needed shaping after the couple of not-so-great cuts I had in Seattle. I love the stylist I go to and was sad to learn she is leaving the salon to start her own home salon. When she mentioned that, if I wanted, I could give her my number and she could call me when everything was set up, I jumped at the chance. I have been so happy with her haircuts and I hate the thought of having to try to find someone else who could replicate it. It's not a difficult style by any means but it seems that she is the only one who can really do it so I like it. Of course, it probably helps that she did the original cut when I went from long to short two years ago. I just love being able to sit in the chair and start chatting about stuff while she works her magic. None of the "and how would you like your hair cut?" questions. I just sit and chat and walk out happy. Love that! :)
Oh - I took over my MOMS Club Yahoo Group this weekend, too(non-sanctioned and non-official part of MOMS Club international. It's just a fun message board for whoever in our MOMS Club who wants to join it.). It all came about from a comment Shawna made (one of the original list owners) and within five hours, I was wearing the crown. So far, it's going well but then, there isn't much to it. I started a couple conversations, pruned the list of members to remove those no longer part of MOMS Club and cleaned out old photo files belonging to previous members. I think it's in pretty good shape so now it's all about maintenance. Hopefully this will allow me to plug back into the MOMS Club. I've been feeling very much separated from it since my playgroup broke up and definitely since Brenda moved away. Since Kelton will be in school in the fall, it might be nice if I can join a playgroup for Kaylen as she has never had the experience. Of course, that will all depend on Kelton's school schedule.
The working out is still going along fine. Today was the seventh day in a row that I worked out and the seventh gold start I was able to put on my calendar. Grand total of time for the past 7 days is 3 hours and 10 minutes. Yay me!!
Other than that - it's been pretty non-eventful. Kaylen appears to be over the mouth virus she had last week but now Dakota, Kelton and Kaylen are fighting off a cold. Dakota has definitely lost the fight and the kids are holding their own. I am not sure why the viruses have invaded us again - I would have thought we paid our dues this past winter and should be allowed to skate for the summer - but I guess not. *sigh*
And how was your weekend?