Trucks, Dolls, Painting and More
Last night after her bath, Kaylen had a little play time while Kelton and I worked on a scrapbook page (his very own creation). Dakota came across the room and whispered "You've got to see this." And this is what we watched. The truck was actually my dad's when he was a boy and the doll and tub is none other than Kira, her new doll from this weekend. The last picture is her ready for bed. Notice all her friends - two dalmation puppies, the truck and Kira with all her stuff. Later, of course, she realized she was missing another doll, her big pink stuffed bear and her hoppity hop. Yes, you read that correctly. The girl actually insists on sleeping with her hoppity hop some nights. Some nights I wonder where she sleeps in that bed. Strange little child. :)
wow - a whole month, it is strange how time just keeps on keeping on even when it seems like it shouldn't...
Kaylen and her doll are SOOOOOO cute! That is a great sequence of pictures!
As far as the painting goes, all I have to say is you are one brave brave woman! :)
Time is definitely fluid. I've often wished I could hold onto it for a bit, but . . ..
Well, once again, your kids are very, very cute! Kaylen with the truck is just perfect. I can't believe how much they look like you!
Sweet! I love to watch them at play especially when they are unaware.
I am too OCD to deal with fingerpaint... yet.
I can't believe it's been a month.Time is very fluid, my friend.
Again thanks for sharing "Kira" with us!
That month did go fast.
LOVE the pictures! Damn your kids are cute!
pssst - check out my blog casey, there is another new post (SHOCK i know) with something for you :)
Shawna: Not brave. Definitely not brave. I really don't enjoy the mess but when one has an artist for a child, one must do what has to be done. *sigh*
Lynilu: Thank you! :)
Patti_Cake: It wasn't finger paint. Need I say more? :)
Holly: Why thank you! :)
Shawna: You rock. Thank you.
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