On Monday, Kelton had his well-child visit and I'm happy to report he is healthy. He had his eyes checked and his hearing tested and passed both with flying colors. We had a bit of a struggle about the booster shot for varicella but we both survived that though I did get kicked at, hit at and he screamed "I HATE YOU!" at me. *sigh* Here are a couple pictures that I couldn't help but snap (clearly taken prior to meltdown):
Yesterday afternoon the kids pulled out the dress-up bin and went to town. I love dress-up time because I leave the room and let them go for it and the stuff they come out wearing - well...it just makes me laugh so much.
Today I was trying to figure out something to do that would get us out of the house for a bit when I happened to mention to Kelton that I needed to figure out when I would get them in for updated photos. He said "Why not today?" Why not indeed! I called and scheduled a morning appointment and these are a few of the many cute shots they got.
The first two are much less dark in real life and I'm just too darn lazy to go in a tweak them for you. Sorry. :)
The weather is still yucky but I am feeling a bit better about life. We are still in limbo about Dakota's job though she feels things are going to work out for her to stay on where she is - she feels the conversations with the powers that be are very positive in her direction. Time will tell.
We don't really have much of an update on her dad. He is down here now instead of up in the Seattle area which makes it easier for the sisters to see him. He is staying with Dakota's oldest sister for now and when the time comes he will be moved into a great hospice facility here in town. We visited him a week and a half ago but since then the four of us have been battling little colds and are completely uncomfortable being the germ carrier to him. Hopefully Dakota will get over to see him this weekend (Kaylen now has the sniffles - though not serious for healthy people by any means, there is just no way I'm taking her around Dakota's dad. Just as well - from personal experience, it's hard to get in a good visit with someone with the kids underfoot.
So - all in all, things are good and moving right along.
When my now 37 yo daughter was about 3, the kids were having well-visits. Both kids were stripped to their underwear, and daughter was entertaining us with her "belly dancing." She could ripple her tummy from top to bottom and then back up gain. The doc walked in, and she got very embarrassed, so embarrassed that she never did it again. :(
Great pictures Casey!
How do you manage to get so many good pictures? Ours are few and far between. I hate going for portraits as I am usually disappointed. This gray weather has seriously messed with my emotions too. I think it's hard when you just got used to nice days. Have a great day.
Those dress up photos are SO FREAKING FUNNY! I love their outfits they put together, and Kelton especially looks very rakish :)
I hope your portrait appointment bodes well for us. We're going Saturday as we haven't been since Valentine's day, a loooong time for us! I hope to get a few cute ones of the kids together. Fingers crossed that ours come out as nicely as yours!
Kelton kills me! "Why not today".
Love sharing the pics with you and tell him he was a BRAVE BOY about the shot. I still hate shots!Yay for Dakota's job looking okay and I hope she gets some quality time with her Dad while it's all good. My hub had 3 good years with his Dad. The last year was very bad but you know how that goes.
Lynilu: That is so sad. And at age three, too. :(
Brenda: Thanks!
Perrin: If it helps any, I'm usually disappointed too. I think I'm doing exceptionally well though if there is just one pose that I don't think "EWWWW!!" :)
Tracey: I just love when they dress-up. It's funny to me that Kelton will dress up as a superhero or a police office or something of the like while Kaylen goes immediately to all things princess. :)
Patti-Cake: He kills me, too. Daily. :)
Those are all great photos. I love the ones of Kelton at the doc. I never thought about bringing my camera to the pediatrician. A great idea!
FroggyMama: I actually keep my camera in my purse so that I always have it. I love capturing life as it happens. :)
Beautiful pictures!!
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