Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Few Mintues to Myself, Please!!

I can see the advantages of going to a gym to workout. I really,really can. Take this morning, for instance; a 30 minute workout took me 45 minutes to complete and I lost track of the total number of times I had to pause the treadmill, jump off and go take care of something for someone.

I checked in with both kids before going into my room and I made sure everyone had eveything they needed. I set Kaylen up with Barney in my room and proceeded to get ready to work out. I jump on the treadmill and 10 minutes later, I realize I have to go to the bathroom (yes, I went before but darn that coffee! It just goes right through me. Perhaps I should wait and have my cup *after* working out. It's a thought anyway), then Kaylen wants a popsicle. She is still pretty sick with the virus and sores in her mouth and throat so I am happy to help her out as I know the cold on her throat probably feels good. So I climb back on and start walking again. A few minutes later, Kaylen emerges from behind the curtain in my room and announces that she is poopy and needs a new diaper. Grrrrrrrrrrr. I hit the pause button again and go get the wipes and a new diaper.

While I am still mid-change, Kelton comes in. Will I pleaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssseeeeeee help him log into the Disney Blast game site? So I finish up with Kaylen, take the diaper outside, wash my hands and go to the computer to help Kelton. Then I return to my room and get back into the groove of working out. Enter Kaylen who now wants to pee in her potty. I yell for Kelton to help her take off her diaper, which he does, and return my thoughts to the treadmill.

The dogs begin barking like crazy so I have to stop yet again to see what is happening. The neighbor girl is at the door. It's the last day of school and she forgot her house key. Could she borrow the phone to call her mom? I take care of that and return to my room.

I added three extra minutes at the end (the machine keeps track of total minutes so I know I got in my full 30 (plus 3) minutes but it sure felt disjointed. I was sweating though so I know I got some sort of a workout but man - I see where leaving the house and working out in a gym would be much more "restful". :)

Another thing about working out - it's a time sucker! Normally I have morning stuff (breakfast, dishes, everyone dressed, beds made, laundry started, etc.) in the house taken care of no later than 9:30 or 10 but at 10 I was just stepping into the shower. Clearly starting my workout earlier will help but Kaylen slept late and I didn't want to wake her since she is still pretty sick.

And yet - I did it. I worked out. I could have given up. I could have said "This is SO not worth it!" or "I am so sore from yesterday I think I'll take a break today (yeah - kinda pushed myself too hard yesterday. OUCH!)" but I didn't. I worked out. And this is Day Four, if anyone is keeping track.

Go me!! :)


Dakota said...

You Rock!!!
Love you, Baby!

Anonymous said...

Yay for you Casey! I'm 37 weeks now and feeling pretty slothful (swimming is as strenuous as I can do, lol) but I am inspired to hit the treadmill again in a few weeks. :) So glad that the bambina is feeling better, we had a few rounds of HFM here and it sucks big time.

Casey said...

Dakota: Yes I do. *grin* Thanks!

Jennifer: 37 weeks?!?! WOW! Congrats - soon you will be holding your new little one in your arms. Seems like it went quickly. Take care and I cant' wait to hear when baby girl arrives.

Monogram Queen said...

It's great that you did it despite all the PITA interruptions. That right there shows true resolve!