Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Here We Go Again

My house has once again been invaded by Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease. If you remember back to this past January, K contracted it pretty severely. At the time, baby K had a couple sores and was pretty miserable. She never had the mouth sores as bad as K but enough that we were pretty sure whe would now be immune.

So not the case.


She is sick, sick, sick. It started Monday with her just being off her game. I figured she just needed to rest after our wirlwind weekend. Goodness knows both K and I did, too. Monday night she was a nursing machine and then Tuesday AM she hurled after eating breakfast. D thought she saw something on her tongue but from the not-so-great look we got, we chalked it up to left over hurling. Since she didn't throw up again, we assumed she over-ate (which she tends to do during a growth spurt). By yesterday afternoon we had an extremely cranky girl on our hands. We finally got a good look in her mouth and yep.....bunches of little sores.

Last night was hell. She was miserable and cried in pain.

Today has been a nightmare as well.

I finally plopped her in her carseat tonight and drove her around until she fell asleep. She's sleeping now.

If this is really day three then we either have four or seven days left of this. Ugh. Tomorrow just happens to be her pre-scheduled well baby visit (now there's a joke!) so at least I'll be taking her to the doctor to have her checked out. I know there is nothing they can do for HFMD except wait it out but still...always nice to have a sick child looked at. She won't be getting her 18 month shots though, that's for sure.

*sigh* My poor baby girl. :(


momtothreeboys said...

Good grief, when it rains it pours! So sorry you are dealing with HFM, ick. Never had that here but watch, I just jinxed myself. Take care and remember, it will end eventually!

Dakota said...

Wow - you have been the busy blogger! I wish I could be at home more to help with all of this. As I recall, Kelton's second day was the worst, so maybe yesterday was the worst day and it will start getting better. She sure was happy at 10:00 last night, wanting to sing and dance....
Love you!

Caroline said...

Believe it of not I had the hand foot mouth disease a year and a half ago. I was miserable. There were moments I thought I was going to die and others I wished I was dying. HOpe she feels better soon.

Casey said...

M23Boys: Thanks for the good thoughts. I hope this never invades your crew. It's nasty!

Cristin: I think we are finally turning the corner (it's Friday now).

D: Thanks for popping by! *waving*

Caroline: I can't imagine getting this as an adult. Yuck. The only thing about this that makes me feel any better at all is knowing that she won't remember having this and how horrible it was for her.

SeasonalKat: Ugh. I'm glad D and I (and now Big K) are immune. No one should have to go through this twice (well...not even once but I guess that isn't a choice). Glad you all made it through. Here's hoping A never gets it.