Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Are You Freakin' Kidding Me???

Kaylen still wasn't back to her self this morning and we had had a *really* rough night with her waking every hour or 90 minutes all night long crying out for something to drink so when she started telling me her throat hurt ("sting" was the word she used) I got that weird feeling in my gut. I pulled out a flashlight and a popsicle stick to see if I could see what was happening in there. Of course it was almost impossible with her tongue which would not cooperate so I placed a call to her ped's office. They could see her in an hour.

So, I kicked everything into high gear and got the kids and myself fed, dressed and out the door in 40 minutes. Go me! :)

The outcome? She has herpangina which, as I later learned by doing internet research is the mouth part of "hand, foot and mouth disease". Now, those of you who have been with me for a while might remember back to this post and this one in August of 2006 when she had a nasty, nasty case of HFM. From what I can ascertain, it's unusual to contract this more than once. Unusual, but not unheard of. *sigh*

I guess I would be moody, fragile, and crabby as all get out to but still......this is SO not fair!

The kicker here is the incubation period is 4-6 days which once again lands us at a MOMS Club event. True, it was at a public park and it could have come from anywhere but it just seems that whenever we are at MOMS Club, Kaylen picks up something to make her, and by proxy; us, miserable. Yes, it could have come from someplace else except for the fact we were at home every single day last week except for Tuesday at MOMS Club. Ever. Single. Day. We go out one time and BAM she's sick.

This sucks. And I have to say, a plastic bubble is looking a bit enticing.


Perrin said...

How horrible. Sorry Casey! Hope this passes soon

Holly said...

Poor kid! I hope this is over soon!

SassyFemme said...

Oh poor girl!

Anonymous said...

Oh man. I feel for her. I just hope no one else picks it up in the family. It's so hard to keep everyone else healthy in the household isn't it? I swear everytime one of the kids gets sick, all five of us end up with it. It takes like weeks for us to get better again. Yuck. Oh well, hopefully she will rest tons for you.


Sonya said...

Oh man - that so sucks!

We've never had HFM - thank goodness! I do recall dreading leaving the house with the girls' because it always seemed that they were ill with something 3 days later. It felt like we were in this never ending cycle.

Casey said...

Perrin: Thanks, me too!

Holly: Thanks.

SassyFemme: I know. :( She is so sad.

Heidi: From your mouth to God's ear! :)

Sonya: I hope you never get it. It is awful. Huge blisters that pop and make big sores. :( It's so sad. I felt like I couldn't take her anywhere last winter without bringing something home and I am really hoping it won't be the same for this winter. *sigh*

Monogram Queen said...

Maddie had HFM disease last Spring/Summer and then she just got over the Mouth portion of it again. Weird. And we never knew where she got it from. Didn't know any other children who had it and she doesn't go to public daycare either.
I just hope poor little Kaylen is feeling better quick. It's very "ouchy".

Kristen said...

oh no! plastic bubble indeed!

Unknown said...

DANG! I can't imagine getting HFM more than once, poor girl! I got just a few spots on my feet, D got it the worst, and E had a mild dose. Not fun!!! I can understand about the plastic bubble for sure.

Casey said...

Patti_Cake: She got it again, too? Hmm...that doesn't bode well. It must mean the germs at mutating. *sigh* I sincerely hope this is the last time in our house. If possib;e, I think she is even worse today. She conked out for a nap at 10:30am. Poor baby. :(

Kristen: Indeed!

Seasonal: I hope it never again invades your house. It SUCKS!!

Shawna said...

oh my gosh casey i'm SO sorry!!!

so far so good for us over here, but that SUCKS she got so sick!