Thursday, June 28, 2007

Coffee Toddler

Is caffiene a drug as in "serious drug"? If so, my 2 year old is needing a serious drug rehab stay. *laughing*

It used to be that it was good enough to wait for me to finish my morning cup and then she would drink the teeny tiny bit that was left. We moved from that to drinking nice big swallows, but still from my cup. In the last few weeks she has begun demanding coffee in her sippy cup! I pour a small amount into a cup and hand it to her. She will climb up next to me on the couch and without fail, the girl will take a drink, make a happy sound and then say "Mmmmmmmm....Me love coffee."

Here are a couple photos of my coffee princess in her younger addiction days.

11 months old

19 months old


Dakota said...

Ah, our little Rory.

Silly girl!

SassyFemme said...

Have you tried coffee flavored syrup in her milk? I think you can buy it by the chocolate and strawberry milk syrups in the store.

Casey said...

Dakota: Rory indeed! I should have fought harder for that name. It clearly fits her perfectly. :)

SassyFemme: No I haven't. I'll have to look. Thanks for the idea.

Jen said...

OMG that's too funny

Monogram Queen said...

Too too cute!