Thursday, August 02, 2007

Blah, part 2

Man I'm in a funk today. It's all I can do to keep moving forward....I feel like I'm walking through molasses or something. Maybe I'm coming down with something...maybe I'm just sad. I don't know.

Everything seems to reduce me to tears....tantrum from a 2 year old, reading the news story of the bridge collapse, reading about the mom who left her kids inthe car and they died in the heat, reading about home invasions, etc. I'm just..................sad and I feel so unsafe in the world.

I hate feeling sad. I hate feeling unsafe.



Dakota said...

Stop reading the news. Really. Even just for a week, or so. The negative feelings build on each other. That's not what you need. Find some good news. Absorb yourself in web sites about your favorite shows. Go to, or to Seek pure entertainment.

It's OK to be sad sometimes. I love you.

Anonymous said...

(((((((((Casey))))))))))))) We sometimes feel life sucks, but what is the alternative? Just concentrate on those young ones and your loving wife and know that you have friends that care. We are all allowed to have a blue day.


Lynilu said...

Yeah, what Dakota said. It does build up if we aren't careful. All those other things probably would have been relatively manageable if the Mom-memory hadn't done the jack-in-the-box action on you.

Now ... remember that while we don't like it, grief is not a bad thing. What you're experiencing is the process of allowing, allowing your mom to go and allowing yourself to move past it. This is hard, because most of us feel guilty about wanting to forget. Don't. Of course you'd like your life to be "normal" (and if you get to "normal, let me know what it is like!!). I know you hate this feeling, but it is OK to wallow a little, again, as it is part of the process. Thank god you CAN feel.

I'm so sorry, Casey.

Patti_Cake said...

I agree with what Dakota says. Sometimes it is just overwhelming I have some dear dear friends in Minneapolis and i'm so very thankful none of them were personally affected by the bridge collapse although one's teenaged daughter had went over the bridge an hour before the collapse. Gives me chills just thinking about it. Be well, honey.

bschmalz77 said...

Minneapolis girl here -- how about some good news... after 25+ frantic hours of searching for my missing brother I finally found him safe and sound (he misplaced his phone charger when he spent the night at his girlfriends house)

Public service announcement - call your mother and sister when there is a major disaster - if the phones are jammed - send an EMAIL!!

Mieke said...


Caroline said...

I agree with Dakota. I used to watch/read/listen to the news all the time. I have learned to distance myself from the news because it is so depressing.
