Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Funny Girl

Kaylen has a new thing that she says. We will say "No, thanks anyway." whenever we turn down something down (such as "Would you like more soup?" "No, thanks anyway."). Kaylen has turned this saying into something quite funny. She will say "Nothanksanyway" and runs it all together like it was just one word. Cracks me up! I just love to hear her say it.

Another funny thing she says is "Sorry." whenever she doesn't want to do what you ask her to do. This goes sort of like this: "Kaylen, please go take your cup and pick it in the sink" She will say "Sorry. No." It's just so darn funny that I can't help but giggle each and every time she does it. :)

She has a million other little things she says or ways she says things but those are the only two I can think of right now. I tell you, life with this girl is interesting and very, very amusing!

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