Thank goodness chocolate melts so quickly. :)
Kelton did the M&M's up his nose twice and PlayDoh in his ears once (that required a visit to the doctor) so let's hope Kaylen is a bit quicker on the "Nothing in body cavities" thing.
And speaking of PlayDoh...I was flipping through the What On Earth catalog that came yesterday and check out what I found: Play-Doh Spray Cologne. SERIOUSLY????? Some people have waaaay too much time on their hands. :)

PS..I couldn't access the item on but here is another place that sells it. Wild!
If it smells anything like Playdough I do not want to go anywhere near it! I HATE the smell of playdough, GROSS!! Jeri
bad link :)
Jeri: You are too funny! :)
Anonymous: Thanks! I fixed it. Can you tell what article I had been reading previously? :)
I am soooo dreading the "up the nose" phase. And you just gave me a good high-fat snack idea for Froggy! Chocolate chips. Why didn't I think of that before? Thanks!
Playdough perfume? Ewww!
I laughed out loud when I read about Kaylen and the chocolate chip! With Evan, it was a tiny ball that I think came from an air-type play gun? We can never forget these things, can we Casey?!?! I hope you are having a better day today!!
I laughed so hard about the chocolate chip. I know I won't be laughing in a year or two when Erik does it though! ;)
FroggyMama: Anytime. Glad I could help. And as long as she sticks to chocolate things, the up the nose experience isn't too bad. My great-niece went the Polly Pocket shoe route though and that was *not* funny. Required a trip to a specialist.
SassyFemme: I like the smell of new PlayDoh but even I don't think a person should wear it as their scent of choice. :)
Melanie: No - you never can. :) And as for having a better day today let's juse say that as soon as Dakota's car hit the driveway at 3:30 this afternoon I was grabbing my jacket and keys to escape. It was tantrum central here all day long. She wore herself out so much though that she crashed out at 5pm tonight. All I can say is THANK HEAVENS!!
Shannon: Yeah - it's always funny when it's someone else's kid. :)
That's just bizarre (the playdough). Kids and sticking things up their noses....oh my! We have only had one trip to the ENT and it was for a corner of a fruit snack pack. Why?? Why? I'm glad your neice's husband is doing better.
How funny! I was just watching one of those funny video shows and they had an entire segment on kids sticking random things up there.
Uh do you actually smell like Play Doh? I don't think i'd like that!
My brother was the WORSE for shoving things up his nose and occaasionally in his ear. Corn, the worst - raw hamburger. Hopefully she'll get past this phase QUICKLY!
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