Isn't this adorable? I'm not sure why or how he came up with the idea but just as Dakota arrived home on Saturday (after a full day of studying and then doing all the grocery shopping (Thanks honey! You rock!)) and was unloading the car Kelton ran at us going a million miles an hour about needing boxes and tubes and tape and could we help him...blah blah blah. We explained we didn't have time to help him with his project right then (and having no idea what his project really was) but that we could find the things he needed and he could get to work on it and we (well - he wanted Dakota) would help him once groceries were put away.
By the time we were finished with our work, he had completed his little friend and I have to say, a more proud child you have never seen! As soon as I said I wanted to get some photos he said he needed to find shoes and socks for his friend. He settled for his own socks and Crocs but honestly, I'm sure he would have loved to have had a pair of platform shoes so that his little guy could have stood on his own.
I took some photos and then Kelton found the old robot head box that was in the cabinet and put that on himself. And then, as if that wasn't cute enough, he took his buddy to the couch, sat him right next to himself and they watched a TV show together. Dakota and I were both holding back laughter as he had a conversation with his friend.
The friend is still in one piece today and when I picked it up and put it someplace safe this morning Kelton said "You know Mom, he won't last forever."
I know this and yet, part of me wants it to. :)
That's seriously amazing! Ok, "awesome" was the word that came to mind, but I'm trying to act my age (LOL). I noticed he put his name in stickers on it ... does that make the lil' guy "Kelton Jr"? I wonder if he'll end up with a sister? :-)
What a creative boy!!! I love it.
So cute and he is so clever!!!!!
Entirely wonderful!! Before I read the narrative after the pix, I was already thinking how I love that he put his crocs on the robot!!
It is very good that he accepts that things don't last forever. So many children are devastated when toys break or friends move away, or a plant dies. He has clearly internalized that everything is temporary. What a bright, creative and intuitive boy!! Could it be any better?
That is so freakin' cute!! I can just picture you holding back your laughter during his "conversation" - I would have done that too! :)
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