Thursday, January 10, 2008


I'm not saying it's been raining a lot around here but today, as Kaylen and I were getting out of the car, she looked up at the sky which had patchy blue spots, and excitedly yelled "MOM! Look! Blue clouds!"


And later this morning, after we finished running an errand and were on our way to another one my not yet 3 year old, from the safety of her carseat says "When I was a little kid I used to watch TV and play."

Trying to hold back a giggle I said "Oh yeah? You aren't a little kid any more? What are you now?"

She replied "Me a growm-up!" (and no - that isn't a typo. She says growM-up. Love it!)

And there you have it. You are a little kid when you are two but once you hit three - you are a full-fledge grown up.

She cracks me up so much. :)


Sheri said...

Heh! You forgot about the donut holes this morning when she ate off all the chocolate and said ... "Here Mom, you eat the white part!" (still laughing about that one)

fairydogmother said...

Blue clouds...too cute!

Perrin said...

I love all the things they say. I have a certain notebook to write them in but usually forget.

Mimi said...

I love this age.....

Monogram Queen said...

Aren't they just a HOOT! Sometimes you wish you could bottle up the cuteness!

Thanks for your kind comments about Maddie!

Brenda said...

Priceless! :o)