Thursday, January 17, 2008

For Every Action There Is An Equal and Opposite Reaction

So - from the title of this post you would be safe in assuming that today was not all sunshine and starlight. That's not to say it totally and absolutely sucked either but it definitely had its moments.

First the good part: it snowed! But before you get too excited we're talking light flurries that were fun to watch, gave me hope of good things to come, made me feel all giddy inside, drove Kaylen to the brink as she desperately wanted to "..go sledding and eat snowballs! Can we now?" and made the day seem different. It was good. It amounted to nothing, but it was still fun.

The not so good parts: The kids decided in all their wisdom that while I was busy elsewhere that they would have a tea party. No big deal - we see tea parties daily around here and yes, it involves real water. Never a real big issues before...... yeah. It was a big deal this time. They decided to fill the play tea pot, the play coffee pot and several play pots and pans with water, take them carefully to the kitchen table and then dump them all as fast as they could to create a "waterfall" so they would go swimming. *sigh*

I rushed into the room upon hearing the torrential downpour *inside* my house and discovered Kelton on the floor under the table "swimming" in a pool of water. Kaylen was pulling apart the table (where the table leaf would go) so that the water could more easily reach Kelton. A large pile of towels later (have you ever noticed that spilled water always appears to be a much larger quantity than it was in the original container?) it was cleaned up and the children were in their rooms so mommy could have a time out and assess the damage. Coloring books - soaking wet. New workbooks - soaking wet. Other art supplies/papers - soaking wet. All trashed. *sigh*

After that all settled down Kaylen wanted to make a new art project that we had printed off and made yesterday (a casualty of the water) so the two of them went to do that. I went in to start the newly created load of laundry which meant moving the current load from the washer to the dryer and folding the load that had been in the dryer and putting it all away. Dakota called and I answered the phone on my way to fold the clothes. I wasn't gone from the room three minutes when I heard screaming and crying and Kelton yelling "MOM! Kaylen fell of the chair and hurt herself!" Then I heard Kaylen screaming "Kelton BIT me!" She was a mess of sobbing and hysterics. I looked at Kelton and demanded he tell me the truth (which I could already figure out) and he fessed up that he bit her because she wanted to print out the project but he didn't want to.

Much chaos ensued. Kelton was sent to his room, Kaylen's bite was washed out and iced. He did a lovely job on her leaving a welt, an immediate bruise and two tiny vampire teeth punctures. Dakota, still on the phone, asked to talk with Kelton and I swear to you - he about had a heart attack that mom wanted to talk with him about what he did. I gave a small smile to myself thinking how for him it must be what it felt like when moms would say "Just wait until your father gets home!" Dakota got to be the heavy for this one and I enjoyed being able to say "You heard what she said. If you can't behave yourself you will go to directly to bed for the night." It took the pressure of me and he had no one to fight with about it.

Once I calmed Kaylen down and got her working on her project things felt a bit more in control. Kelton came out and apologized to her and they had a little heart to heart as in her saying "Kelton you really hurt me." and him saying "I'm sorry." and her saying "You no do that EVER again, ok?" and him saying "OK."

From there on out, they were pretty good. After a short lived but nerve shattering meltdown from Kaylen because she wanted pasta for dinner and me saying no (she had it for lunch) they both ate really good dinners. Kaylen played well by herself for a bit while Kelton vegged out with the TV. Finally bath time and bedtime rolled around.

This is one afternoon I was not sad to see over. Of course, after they were both asleep I just stood and looked at them my heart full of love and sadness over all the things that had happened.

Hard to believe a few short hours ago I wanted to lock them both in a closet. (I'm kidding.....sorta.)


Sheri said...

Oh, Mommy Casey, something told me I should have called/emailed you today ... though, on second thought, maybe it's better I didn't (LOL-sorta). We'll be at playpark tomorrow morning if you'd like to escape, need a coffee after, etc.

Shannon said...

Oh, no. What a day! You must have been exhausted at the end of it.

Mimi said...

OMG been there, done that and even got a tee shirt!!!!!lol

Tina said...

Love the part when Dakota wanted to talk to K!! OMG!! I burst out laughing.

Yay!! You didn't have to be "mean Mommy"!

Monogram Queen said...

Honey my one three year old tries my patience sometimes I can't imagine what two youngsters could do to these old nerves. Glad it all worked out okay :)

Lynilu said...

I'm sorry to admit that I just chuckled all the way through this! I know it wasn't funny, at least not then, but I have to say, it brings back so many memories of similar days for me. If it helps, you will laugh about this. Someday!! Really!!

Stacey said...

sounds like a crazy day. glad you can start fresh on a new day. ;)

Kristen said...

Oh no. What a horrible day. Is this biting new for Kelton? I don't think I remember him doing that before. As for the swimming inside...I can totally see the frustration and anger from that, but also think its cute that they wanted to swim and in their little heads thought they could swim on the floor. But yes, this mommy would need a time out after that too. Sigh. hope your family weekend is making up for your crappy friday.

Jen said...

Oh, I love it! Only inasmuch as I can relate to it, though.

Athena has done random biting things at age 5 when she never was a biter before. Don't know if Kelton is new at vampirism, but if he is, you and I both have weirdo 5-year-olds experimenting with this new form of punishment for younger siblings.

(And I mean weirdo in a good way. For Kelton.) ;)

We have had the water thing too -- they filled up one of the large plastic tubs coffee comes in (I had given it to them for their kitchen) and dumped it on the carpet in the basement. That got smelly and nasty and required the purchase of a giant fan to get it cleaned up.

But their conversation about the bite is adorable and touching, and I loved Dakota for being the heavy. I LOVE it when Jason will get all tough and lay down the law. It's like a tiny vacation.

THANK YOU for blogging about this!!! And may tomorrow bring you drier floors.

A Jersey Girl said...

I love your blog, and this one was great. It is nice to see as a mom, that you are not the only one that has bad days.

I do have to say it did make me smile, to know mine are not the only terrors:) And it is amazing that after all that, you put them to bed, are happy to have them down, but can't wait to spend tomorrow with them, and you love them more than ever. Kids are awesome!

Melanie said...

This is one of those times when I feel like a total wimp! What am I complaining about when my ONE child acts out??

SassyFemme said...

Love the way she had a talking-to w/her brother!

Froggymama said...

I guess there are some good aspects of Froggy being an only child. :)