Sunday, September 05, 2010


The house across the street from me is a really nice blue. It's a nice color to look at each and every time I look out the front window. Then yesterday I noticed it. A four foot section of beige painted near their garage.

Beige? Oh dear Lord, they are going to paint their house beige? That can't be. It just can't. The colors of houses on that side of the street are beige, gray blue, beige, blue (the neighbor across the street), beige, darker beige, gray blue, gray blue. Notice how many boring beige houses there are?

They were outside yesterday afternoon so I asked "Are you going to be painting?" (You know me - always pointing out the obvious.) Yep - they are. I said "So you chose beige?" "Yes - we are tired of sticking out like a sore thumb. We wanted to blend in better."

WHAT?!?! I couldn't believe it. Really? Beige.

Boring beige. Wow. No worries about sticking out now. Maybe I should just call that side of the street "Beige Lane". Ugh.

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