Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Creepy Weirdness

Kaylen and I left about 10am to go to Moms Club this morning and, after spending some time there, we went to the new library to check out books. We were gone probably two hours all told.

When we left, Maddie was in her crate and Jordan was in the living room just hanging out as he does.

When we arrived home I could sense something odd the second I walked through the door. Then I noticed it - chucks of dried mud from the front door into the kitchen (and all over the kitchen floor). Mud like you would expect to come out of shoes that had been in the mud, dried and then were put on inside and walked around in.

Only - I know that neither Kaylen's shoes nor mine had mud in the treads and I know for a fact that the floor didn't look like that when I left the house.

I quickly scanned the house to see if anything was missing. Nope. Everything was in its place. Anything added? Nope. Every single door was locked and the deadbolt had still be locked on the front door. Hmmmm......

I cleaned up the mud and took care of getting lunch for Kaylen. Then I text'd Dakota to ask if there was any chance she had come by or had known that someone else had come by (some of her family members have keys to the house) and explained why I was asking.

I barely put the phone down when she called. No - she had not been by and she didn't know of anyone who might have. We went over the doors being locked, nothing out a place. Still - no explanation.

So we concocted our own: Jordan must have had mud caked in his paws and while Kaylen and I were gone he walked around a bit and because the mud was dried (or drying) it came off leaving a mud trail.

I'm not convinced of that since I do towel off the dog feet (most of the time and I know I did this morning) but that's the story I'm going to stick with.

Otherwise, I may drive myself crazy.

So weird. So Twilight Zone-ish.


Anonymous said...

You checked the doors, how about the windows?
Creepy! I hope it was dog.

Unknown said...

Soooo scary! I like your explanation. That one is the least nightmarish. Jeri

Julie said...

That's a bit scary! That's a good thing about having a dog, if there was someone in your house I'm sure they would have let you know. You know you could always call 911 and have an officer come check out your house to make sure no one is hiding somewhere. I know how you feel, I've left my back door open before, even my front door once - wide open (not on purpose!) - and had the dog check out the house before I let the kids in. I figured she would bark if someone was inside.

Elizabeth said...

Scary, but if you checked and everything was properly locked and nothing was missing it seems very reasonable that the dog caused the mess of mud.

Shannon said...

Yikes! That would creep me out.

hackwife said...

That would freak me out! You may want to invest in a house alarm system. ADT, Slomins. I think Slomins has a deal for free installation. I love our house alarm and as hubby works a lot we need it. Stay safe!