WAHOO!!!!!! She did it! Dakota is done with law school classes FOREVER!! Well - the class part...she still has finals but by next weekend she will no longer be a law school student. She will be a
Law School Graduate. A Juris Doctor. (And for fun, I think I'll call her Doctor Dakota. :) :) : ) )
Holy cow. We're here.
We're really, really here.
Excellent job, Dakota. Well done, indeed!!
I am so very proud of you.
Yay!! Way to go Dakota. No one knows the long road this has been like Casey's friends :) Congratulations. Now get to studying! ;)
Wow, I cant believe the end is near! Here's to great years ahead with Dr. Dakota in the house ;) Jeri
Yay!!! I am so happy for you guys that the end is finally here. I know there were many times you thought this day would never come, but here it is. Enjoy every moment.
Congratulations, what an accomplishment.
Congratulations Dakota. We've all been rooting for you.
Wow, congrats to you all! So so so happy for you! Go Dakota go!
Thanks to all of you, and especially to Casey who has put up with four years of craziness to get us where we are today.
WE did it!
Congratulations!!! That is an achievement above and beyond what I could imagine. Work + School + Family ... you deserve a special award at graduation.
That is so awesome! I am so happy for her and proud of both of you! What a long road!
But Casey, what will you do now with Dakota home at night?
Emily - I still have 3.5 months before I have to worry about what I'll do when she is home every evening. :)
That is wonderful, congratulations and good luck on the finals.
Huge congrats you guys, I know firsthand what a long road it is. Good luck with the rest of your finals.
K still has finals next week and she has just applied for an LLM in tax, I don't think she wants to finish her student days, lol. I'm hoping that she will at least defer for a year.
Enjoy the days between finals and the start of the bar, we'll be thinking of all of you this summer. :)
Wow, what a long road for all of you! Congratulations! I bet it must feel great knowing it's finally over and all that hard work will soon pay off!!
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