Monday, November 10, 2008

Plans, Plans and More Plans

The plan is to paint the hallway today and then, hopefully, clean the carpets. We'll see how far I really get with it all.

This morning started out with controlled chaos when, after watching Sid the Science Kid, both kids wanted to play estimation games and compare and contrast things. Easy enough to keep them happy and busy. Then the cushions came off the couch for jumping.....and shortly thereafter, Kelton's face smashed into the frame of the cushion-less couch. He bit the inside of his cheek/lip and loosened up his already loose front tooth. The blood was impressive for such a small injury but I kept my cool, cleaned him up, settled him down and eventually shipped him off to school.

I came back from the bus thinking I would start painting but oh no - it apparently is playdoh time for Kaylen. And we all know what a mess playdoh can make. So - painting is in a holding pattern.

I'm hoping she tires of playdoh soon and retreats to the living room where Sesame Street and quiet play awaits her.

I really want to get the hall painted. Not because I love painting (because I really, really don't) but because I know it will look better and I will feel better having it done.

Wish me luck.


Dakota said...

Good luck, Honey! You are quite amibitious today! Yeah for you!

Love you!

Tribe Mama said...

Good luck, I have one spot on my kitchen wall that has been waiting to be painted for two months. Ah kids, they make getting things done difficult!