Monday, November 24, 2008

The Christmas Card Photo Adventure

Ok seriously. I took 64 pictures to get the one decent photo. Sixty-four. And it's only "decent". *sigh*

It never seemed to fail that for the photos where Kaylen was feeling compliant, Kelton was not. And if Kelton was, Kaylen wasn't. It would have been hysterically funny had I been watching the scene unfold instead of smack in the middle of it setting and resetting the shots (and watching the hour tick by) but as it was.... not all that funny. But now...looking back over the pictures I can't help but smile. Those kids of mine are so darn goofy!

In the end though, we did finally get a decent shot (and I'm talking "the end". It was the second to the last shot we took) and I have created the card and shipped it out to the printers. Next to tackle will be the letter...unless I go the route I took last year and skip it all together. :)

And now - for your amusement....a sampling of the photos. :)


Kristen said...

hey, you got Kaylen to wear something besides a dress! That in itself is an accomplishment.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh I totally feel your pain! I love seeing the collection of them all together like that though! So cute!

Audra said...

Aw, that sucks. Have you heard of For $15 they will edit your photo, they can take heads from one photo, and put it onto another one ;)

Caroline said...

Oh my gosh I love Kaylen's expressions in the first row of pictures.

Tanya said...

Very cute. I'd say this is probably why I just pick a candid picture of J for our recent cards. Last year it was of him rolling cookies.

Perrin said...

I dread this chore. I think I will try this weekend. I am even thinking of getting the puppy in there which you just know is not going to go well.

Unknown said...

You are more persistent than I. I say this year just take one of you and Dakota and tell the kids their funny little antics landed them a spot out of the picture. I can hear the protests now!

Casey said...

Nikki: For a while there I had seriously thought of putting in a photo of just the fireplace. It was the test photo I shot to make sure the lights weren't too awful and there, in the midst of the chaos I thought "Yep - just the fire place is going ont he card this year!" LOL!

Monogram Queen said...

Tee Hee! Something i've learned when it comes to kids toss "perfect" out the window!