Thursday, June 12, 2008


Pink Eye; Day 3

The kids are doing well and their eyes are back to looking like their eyes again. Always a plus. We are surviving the eye drops though they are certainly not the favorite part of the day for any of us. Three more doses today and then Friday and Saturday. We'll get there dose by dose. Dakota and I have managed to stay clear of it - yay us. At least for now. I'm not foolish enough to think it still can't bite us in the rear. Lots of hand washing, pillow case washings, towel changes and wiping down door knobs and light switch plate covers. I hope, hope, hope that is enough to keep it at bay.

Kelton went back to school yesterday and by pick up time, his allergy irritated eye was fine. Thank goodness for the change in drops.

I am in disbelief that tomorrow is his last regular day of school. Monday is field day (Kaylen and I will be helping with that), Tuesday is cleaning up the room and sending everything home day and Wednesday both the morning and afternoon classes are there together for the final two hours of the school year. Wild.

Kaylen and I went to playgroup this morning. We all had decided to visit our local community pool and it was so much fun! Kaylen, contrary to her not wanting to do lessons, is a fish! She was jumping in and kicking and floating and "swimming". All with mommy by her side, mind you but still - the girl LOVES the water! No fear - which tends to scare the crud out of me. It was the first time I have ever taken a child swimming alone. That's not to say I haven't been in the pool alone with a child but it's never been just me and a child from start to finish. We usually go as a family because well...we have two kids. Two kids who are three years apart in age require two adults. :)

Other than that - I have nothing spectacular to share. Just living, breathing and getting things done. And yes, I'm *still* waiting for the sunshine. It was beautiful here on Sunday but since then the sun has not let itself be seen. At all. At least it is dry today - that's something.

Last year at this time we were already in the kiddie pool. As of this very moment, the pool is still safely stored in the garage. It hasn't seen the light of day since last September. I hope it is still in good shape. You know, minus all the dusting it will need. :)

Time to go get my son - catch ya later!


Mimi said...

Boy it seems like your school is getting out late? Did you guys have plenty of snow days? our schools have been out one week yesterday....glad to hear the eyes are the ages of your little gang glad they love the water..

Casey said...

Mimi: Nope - only one day aclled on account of ice this year. Our schools don't start until after Labor Day though which means mid-June release. I remember as a child we were always out right around "flag day" (June 14th).

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing about the school getting out late. My son ended school June 2. But he started Aug 20. So there you go. I wish we had until after Labor day, that would be nice!

My doctor told me that pink eye is a childhood thing. Adults can not catch it. I find that hard to believe but I did manager to stay clear of it.


Casey said...

Heidi: My sister would be very surprised to hear that adults can't catch it. As would Kelton's teacher. :) My sister had it three years ago and it was pretty awful from the sound of it.

I've known others adults who had it too. It's not one of those things you get an immunity to as far as I understand. But that would be great if that were the case! :)

Mimi said...

Yep I am one of those adults I had pink eye last fall and it about burning good god I thought I had a pin in my eye......

Froggymama said...

Wow, sometimes our lives are so parallel. I'm taking Froggy to the doc today for pinkeye. Lovely! And I think I have it toooo! Yuck.

Glad your little ones are feeling better!