Monday, June 30, 2008

A Busy Fun-Filled Monday

By 8AM, I was working on my second load of laundry, the kids had been fed, the dishwasher was running, I was showered and dressed, the kids were dressed, one child was watching Dora and the other was playing a computer game. And it just got busier from there.....

It was a day filled with tons of painting, coloring and drawing. Some dress up was thrown in for good measure as well a nice round of "build something really big with blocks and then smash it down!". I'm sure there was more stuff but frankly - my brain has turned to mush. Bedtime was a blessing and a half tonight, let me say that.

This afternoon Kelton asked that I make sidewalk paint so he could paint on the patio (some days a person just can't get enough of painting, I guess). I obliged because - well, it's not like I had read more than a paragraph of the book I had sat down to read about a million times. So he and I went into the kitchen to whipped up some paint. Next time I should remember that the more food coloring I add the richer the color will be but the more it will stain the skin of the children using it. *sigh* Oh well - I hear Incredible Hulk green is all the rage for an accessory color. :) (Sorry - no pictures of that. But it was quite impressive, let me tell you.)

Yes, it was a busy, hectic, fun-filled day. And tomorrow promises much of the same. There is no such thing as a lazy summer day when you have young kids.


Catherine said...

Those paintings and really great. How did you make the paint? What is a lazy summer day? I have one in 1986 I think!

Catherine said...

Those paintings and really great. How did you make the paint? What is a lazy summer day? I have one in 1986 I think!

Monogram Queen said...

No there is no such thing as a lazy day ever when you have kids under, oh probably 7 or 8 i'm guessing!

Casey said...

Catherine: The paint is easy. Equal parts water and corn starch. Add food color as desired.

Patti: I'm guessing probably longer. :)