Thursday, June 05, 2008

Are You Smarter Than a Three Year Old?

Kaylen: Look Mommy - it's a rhombus!
Me: Do you even know what a rhombus is, honey?
Kaylen: Yes. It's a diamond. Only a little different.
Me: Really?

A quick Google search reveals that yes indeed....a rhombus is a slanted diamond.

Go figure. Go Curious George who apparently discussed a rhombus on the episode this morning.

I guess I knew that somewhere in the back of my mind but if you had asked me (as I asked my play group moms which none really could remember what it was exactly...) I doubt I would have been able to tell you.


On another note; Kaylen experienced her first time having a body part fall asleep. She was painting this afternoon and chose to have one leg underneath her. It fell asleep. She yelled out "Mom! Something is wrong! My foot is tingling!" I looked her over trying to figure out what she meant and it finally dawned on me what had happened. What's funny is I remember Kelton having an experience similar to this when he was about the same age. I guess three is when this stuff starts happening - or when they start realizing it. Did you know that three is also the magic age of when they start being able to talk about their dreams. I love this part! Sometimes I wish I had a passport into their dreamworld. It sounds like a fun, happy (well - for the most part) place to be. :)


Tanya said...

How about a chrysalis? Too cute to hear a 2yr old say that mouthful.

Anonymous said...

I love the magic of THREE! How amazing would it be to see what they see when they sleep. :)
btw, thanks for all the good wishes.

Caroline said...

Ok, I think I could handle the poop and throw up if there were days like the one you had.

PT-LawMom said...

What a smarty-pants!! Isn't it amazing the things they come up with?

Monogram Queen said...

That is so funny about the rhombus I had NO idea what it was. None. They learn so much don't they?

Sheri said...

I just wrote a note on another blog about feeling like I've missed so much being away this week. But, I DO KNOW what a rhombus is (sorta did before) ... but, it's the BLUE candy that doesn't taste like mint (ha, ha, ha) ... we saw the same episode on our trip! Good for Kaylen for paying attention. I'll have to ask Nick in the morning and see what he says.