Friday, July 06, 2007

Dakota's Dad

Things are picking up speed with Dakota's dad. I know she must be spinning. If you have a second, will you please go over to her blog and lend a little support in the way of a comment. Thanks!

She will be leaving work to go to the hospice center to be with her sisters. Because of the kids I can't be there to support her or anything - which sucks because I know all too well how hard it was to face by myself without her because she had work and school. So anyway - a bit of support from all of you would be really appreciate.


Monogram Queen said...

I went and commented, her last post was heartbreaking. I am so sorry for all of you having to go through this but you have a strong, loving, committed family base and you will make it through.

Lynilu said...

Casey, I left her a note, too. But I wanted to come back here and say that I figure this reopens your recent wound, too, and I'm sending you some hugs, as well. You two have been through much more than you should in such a short time. I lost both parents in 3 weeks, so I know how the pain just mounts up. Wish I could whisk away the sadness for you both.

Casey said...

Patti-Cake: Thanks.

Lynilu: Yeah - today has been a crap-ass day for me. :( Thanks for thinking of me.

Brenda said...

~ HUGS ~

Chris said...

As the one who often has to stay home with the kids when something big (and bad) is going on, I can totally sympathize. You're doing an important job, though, so don't feel bad.