He ended up with a Spider Man backpack (which is no surprise to me) and Transformer tennis shoes. I am still going to get him a new pair of Crocs since really those are his main footwear. I found really great ones that I am going to save up for. I think they will make him (and me) happy. They are Crocs with Mickey shaped holes. I think they are so incredibly fun.
And as a PSA (public service announcement) let me share with all of you parents of not-yet-school-aged-kids that the back to school rows are a gold mine of art supplies. Elmers glue for $0.20 a bottle, Crayola 24 count crayons for $0.20 a box. Paints, papers, scissors, binders, etc all cheaper than you will find them the entire rest of the year. Since Kelton was one year old Dakota and I have hit the back to school sales and restocked every art supply known to man. It just makes sense so check out those rows and if you see things your little one (or you) will use during the year, or you think you may use during the year, - stock up! Just a handy mommy tip for you. :)
Kelton's day camp is going really well. He woke me up at 6:05AM asking if it was time to go yet. I took that as a very good sign. He learned a couple new games yesterday so the kids and I spent a few hours in the yard playing - it was really fun. Today he came home with a silly song that Kaylen and I picked up right away and have been singing ever since. So, so much fun!
He had a project to do at home this week for sharing time on Friday. He was to make a poster of his favorite pet (oh which one to choose?) and then tell his group all about the pet at sharing time. He picked Jordan, our dalmatian. I took some pictures of him with Jordy yesterday and then this afternoon we took a trip to the craft store to buy poster board and various scrap book supplies (I'm sure it surprises no one who knows me in real life that the "due at the end of the week" project is done by the second day. *grin*). Except for wanting help with gluing the pictures onto the board, he did it all himself (well - I helped him spell Jordan's name but he handled getting the stickers and putting them on the board). He was so darn cute sitting at the table working on his "homework". Kaylen, of course, had to get into it too so at the store I bought her some duck related stickers and pink cat ribbon (she loves all things duck and pink). Their projects are so cute. :)