Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dreading tomorrow

Tomorrow is the first day of school. Wow. I think I am in a state of denial that at this time tomorrow this house will be silent except for the click-clack of the keyboard as I stare at the lcd monitor while I job search for hours on end.

For eight years, I have had someone home to take care of when the first day of school rolled around. It seems surreal and impossible that tomorrow my littlest bird will fly away. I am unbelievably sad that this stage of my life as a mom is over.

Time marches forward.....and changes everything.

A third grader and a kindergartner. Wow.


Tanya said...

Crazy how fast it goes.

Shannon said...

Oh wow, that's going to be tough. Thinking of you.

Kerry said...

It does pass quickly...my oldest will be 21 in Oct...seems like yesterday he was off to Kindergarten. They will always be your babies and while they maybe gone longer than what you are used to they still need you as much as ever.

Froggymama said...

So glad to catch up on your blog. I love Kaylen's glasses. So happy you got away on a free vacation, and hope the first days of school go well! oxox

Tanya said...

Really, no morning of post yet? What ya waitin for?