It's been a long strange day but I have made it to the other end in (mostly) one piece. I was lucky enough to end an incredibly emotional day (Kelton is having trouble dealing with some things), by Marlene taking me out to dinner at Beaches. After our meal, we had a nice walk along the river and then parked ourselves on a bench to watch the sun go down and talk about all the things you talk about at the beginning of a relationship. Not always easy conversations to have but necessary especially considering all there is to consider at this point in life. Damages done to us by other people, trust issues, children, dreams, etc. The list of things to talk about and come to agreements on is long and so, so, so much more important than the things I had to talk about in my 20's. Then, I had nothing to lose in the game of love and jumping without looking was fine - and worked well at the time.
This time; I have everything to lose and all things take special consideration and compromise....and time.
But, in the long run, I think it will be time well spent.

Healing is slow, or seems so when we are in the throes. But I think the lessons we learn along the way make us stronger, more compassionate, and actually happier in the end. This talking is good for you and for your future. I hope you find the happiness and peace you need. :)
hang in there, I have good feelings about the job situation once the schools start hiring, I think your PTO work will pay off in a big way.
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