Sunday, August 01, 2010


It's been quite the few days. Full of ups and downs, meltdowns (mine) and good times. Marlene has done her best to distract me from the downs by making sure I have fun.

Friday night, after the kids went with Dakota, Marlene and I headed out to dinner in downtown Portland. Reminder to myself: while they make good martini's they make them waaaaaay too strong for me and two was a half too many and three? Shouldn't have gone there. M and I had some very deep conversations but it was good.

Yesterday we again went into Portland and explored 23rd Street which is a great place full of shops and amazing food. We ate a late lunch at Papa Haydn's and shared an amazing dessert(seriously. It should be illegal.) After eating, we wandered in and out of shops as we talked.

We arrived back to my house around 5pm and we got to work transforming Kaylen's room. She has been asking for a year to have a "big girl princess bed" Never mind that she was in a queen sized bed that should have qualified as a "big girl bed" but you can't get princess sheets and comforters for a queen. So, two weeks ago I found a day bed with a trundle in craigslist and got it for her. I sent a photo of it to Dakota's phone so Kaylen could see it - she LOVES it! :)

Today I am on my own as Marlene is working so I am still (yes still) under my covers watching the original 90210. I really should be getting up and getting some stuff done and yet.....oh and yet....this is where I would so much rather be.

Tomorrow starts a new week. Here's hoping I can get a grip and keep it.

1 comment:

Tanya said...

Looks cute. R says we'll have to paint J's room soon to make it look more "big boy" but right now he wants it pink, so green and yellow it will stay because pink just isn't more big boy. And with as much as she falls off the bed, does that girl get a rail? :) Glad you kept yourself pretty much distracted this weekend.