Thursday, July 30, 2009

Running on Empty

I'm tired. Really tired. Yes, I know - Dakota is probably more so...but maybe not. Maybe it's a completely different kind of tired. She is tired from using her brain and problem solving and recalling data - I'm tired from the constant entertaining. Constant.

We're not at home so therefore I do not have my usual routines and fall back activities for when I need a break. And honestly, I find it challenging to be in someone else's space. I always wonder if I am being a considerate enough house guest. I worry about wearing out our welcome (after all - it's a lot of nights). I worry about the things the kids don't pick up and I try hard to stay on top of everything.

At home I can flip on the TV in the afternoons and let the kids watch a few shows which gives me a break. I don't have that luxury at other people's houses (though at 3pm Arthur is on PBS and it's one of Kaylen's favorite shows so yesterday and the day before I did turn it on for her). This week it's been "Mommy - play dolls with me." "Mommy - let's do art." Mommy - let's do a puzzle." Mostly it's dolls. And I'm soooo tired of playing dolls.

It's hard to be "on" every minute of the day. Maybe I need to look into some hgh supplements to give me a nice burst of energy. Maybe the heat needs to STOP so we can all get better sleep at night. (Oh and by the way? The heat wave ends Monday and by next Wednesday the area will be back in their usual low-mid 70's. That would have been sooo nice for this week. *sigh*). And speaking of energy, I guess I better go make some lunch for the little girl.....and then it's back to another stimulating round of dolls.

You know you're jealous. :)

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I get like that too. I also feel like not only do I need to entertain my kiddo, but that I also need to entertain the person I'm with. like when I visit my mom. She wants to chat constantly! Its like having another kid around sometimes. It sucks for the kids too, to not have their stuff around. hope you're home now or will be soon.