Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mama Knew What She Was Talking About

My mom used to say to me:

There was a little girl
Who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good
She was very very good
And when she was bad
She was horrid.

At the time I thought it was kind of mean though now, as the mother of a 4 year old daughter who is more "slugs and snails" than "sugar and spice" on any given day lately, I can see where it was right on the money.

I'm sure Kaylen is the spitting image of me in more ways than looks. I'm sure my sass, my attitude and my pouting, crying and screaming drove my mother to the brink of all things sane.

And I'm sure she is laughing but good from her vantage point in heaven.

I remember her saying once "My wish for you is that you have a daughter who is just like you." That one I took to mean in the positive but I wonder if there wasn't just a hint (ok - a whole LOT) of "Ooooooh...I hope you get one that tries your patience as much as you try mine!" thrown in for good measure.

I love my daughter but in the past 6 months or so I can see that parenting this child through the age of 4 (and beyond) is not going to be as easy as in years past. She's a beautiful, amazing, articulate, polite (to everyone else), funny, endearing smart as a whip child with a very healthy dose of sass thrown in.

And I swear to you - if I had a dollar for each time in the past month she has yelled "I'm NEVER going to talk to you AGAIN!" I could probably go out for a very nice dinner and pay for a sitter. I have learned not to let her see me sweat with that one though. I just say "Good. Then it will be nice and quiet around here."

Even though it hurts to hear her yell it at me.

I'm sorry Mom. I know I wasn't an easy child. Kaylen is making that point crystal clear. Happy now? :)


Tribe Mama said...

I feel for you Casey, I have one that is very much like me, and it is a tough road! She is nine and I still struggle with her every day....but the best part is, I REALLY understand her and where she is coming from....I may not like it, but I understand her :) She was a handful at 18 months and it hasn't gotten easier, but the rewards are huge.

Anonymous said...

My Stella (4.5) always yells, "I don't like anyone in the world".

Never a calm day around here, never!


Lynilu said...

My mom used to say that poem, too, because I had Shirley Temple hair, but she also added that she rarely had a problems with me. Well, until my teens came along. I made up for it then, I think.

One of my stepdaughters, who lives up in Paulsbo, has said that she is getting her just reward for her behaviors. She was our biggest challenge, and she found that all 3 of her kids are giving it back to her! Sometime, we grammas get to (quietly, surreptitiously) say "Yesssssss!!!"

Be glad she is spirited, Casey. Chances are, she will go farther in life. :)

Melanie said...

Yeah, I heard that poem too. :) And I've definitely got one miniature me (except in boy form).