Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Another Long Night

Not as long as recent ones and there was no peeing in the bed or any other bodily fluid incidents but there was a little girl who climbed into bed with me. Well...with me, a cat and two big dogs. Needless to say, I shouldn't have been surprised when the poor child fell out of my bed....again. The dogs take up an extraordinary amount of space in my queen sized bed.

Yes, I could have rearranged the dogs so the girl child and I had more room but that would have meant waking fully to get up and move their 60lb plus bodies around. I was too tired to think about it.

I should have done it.

The sickening thud of my daughter hitting the floor is something I could live without. Poor girl. :(

She stood up, dazed and confused, and crawled back into my bed. I held her close and said "I think we need to get you a seat belt for this bed." She agreed and then fell back to sleep.

Squished between the dogs and a child, I didn't get much quality sleep but at least everyone was quiet.

At 6:15, Kelton came in and joined Kaylen and I...and the dogs and cat. Cozy........ or not.

Then he went out and got his DS game and Kaylen went out and got her Leapster and, with one of either side of me, they played their (noisy) games while I dozed for another 30 minutes.

I have a lot to do today. It's looking more and more like a "two pots of coffee" day.

Do you think I will ever get 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep again in my life? Between the dogs and kids, I think not. Because even when the kids are at Dakota's for the weekend, I still have the dogs waking me up throughout the night.

Silent nights? Hardly.


Anonymous said...

So when do the dogs move in with Dakota?

Casey said...

They don't. She moved into a place where they can't be so for now, they are here. When things are different and she can afford a different place, then probably then. It is what it is.

Anonymous said...

you're a good person casey!!!! : )
