I was out on the floor as well but definitely not in skates. I'd hate to think what one fall to the floor would do to my back and besides, it was much easier to steady both kids, who were lunging for me and hanging on me, with both feet firmly on the ground. Let's just say that between setting up the book fair last night and roller skating this morning my back is hating me. Ugh.
When we first got there, both kids were so excited they could barely contain themselves and there were other families that we knew so we all enjoyed seeing familiar faces. We got the skates on and off they went! The instructor came over and gave them some one on one time and Kaylen took to it like a duck to water (which is no surprise - she loves her princess skates and skates around the house often). Kelton was a bit slower and more reserved but he did what was asked of him as well.
Then the class started and Kelton ran hot and cold on whether he would do it or not. He left, then came back, then left. Kaylen stuck with it but they lost her excitement for it when he wanted everyone to learn to skate backwards. I have to agree a bit with her - it is a lot to ask of children who are barely able to *walk* backwards without falling all over themselves. :)
She had a few moments of meltdown panic but we were in the homestretch. A game of Hokey Pokey and two free skate songs and we were done. I was breathing a sigh of relief because my back was killing me and I was tired of trying to keep the kids engaged.
And then, wouldn't you know it, came the phrase "THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!" from Kelton. I spun on my heels and said "What?" with a confused look in my eyes. He responded that he had had a great time and that he wants to come back next week. "Me, too!" said Kaylen as she jumped up and down.
"You do?" I asked
Then Kelton said something that made me laugh "Mom...I think I was judging a book by the cover again. I need to give it a chance."
Dang I love that boy. :)

And yes - she is wearing pants! (This is two days in a row for pants!!! WAHOO!) :) I told her that pants would provide more padding if she fell and she didn't even question me. Kelton opted for sweats because they are fluffier than jeans so he'd have more padding as well. :)
I'm so glad you took pictures. They look so cute skating and holding hands. I had to giggle at the one photo where Kaylen looks ready to speed away and pull Kelton along with her :-)
It looks so fun.
How fun!!! Was it super crowded? Maybe if they want to go again we'll join you?
Casey, you have the cutest kids. It takes me back (many years ago now) to when my Mum shoved me out of the front door with a cushion strapped to my bum & my first ever pair of roller skates strapped to my nervous 10-year old feet. I looked like an idiot but I felt like a super-hero as I wobbled down our street!
He is one smart cookie for sure!
I love the "padding" strategy!
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