Saturday, December 20, 2008

Winter Wonderland!

The snow is falling and we officially are living in a white covered world. It's beautiful!!

The kids (well - mostly Kaylen) are (is) itching to go outside and play but the mean mommy that I am says we wait until the sun is up and at least a few of the neighbors are awake. Call me a kill joy but I think 5:30 this morning was just too early to be outside playing in the snow. It's 7:18 now and I can see the beginnings of daylight. It won't be long before I unleash them on the crisp, beautiful snow.

It's snowed!! It really, really snowed!! And the best part is; it is Saturday and we have no where we are supposed to be and nothing we are supposed to do. Ahhhhhhh! Bliss!

(On a not so blissful note, it appears that Kaylen has come down with whatever Kelton had last week. She has a sore throat and a fever though at this point, it's lower than Kelton's was. She woke me up with these words "Mom? My throat is hurting a lot." Poor baby. :( A little Motrin though and she is acting like her amazing little self. I hope she is all better soon!)


Stella said...

I hope Kaylen's sore throat, etc. doesn't progress any further....there is NOTHING like waking up to fresh snow. And judging from your forecast, this isn't the end of it. I'm jealous!

Audra said...

jealous! It's jst really really cold here :/I hope kaylen starts feeling better.

Lynilu said...

Oh, I hope she isn't so sick that she misses all the snow fun! Get well, baby girl, get well!!!