Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Is It Genetics?

Maybe it's hard-coded into DNA but kids are being taught the exact same things. I don't say "Hey Kelton - the rules are different for you since you're a boy." and I don't say "Kaylen - you have different rules because you're a girl." I really don't....and yet.....

Why is it that Kaylen can put the toilet seat lid down when she is done (un-prompted, mind you) and yet at least once a day I have to have Kelton return to the bathroom to close the lid?

And why oh why can my 3.5 year old daughter change the roll of toilet paper *by herself* but my 6.5 year old son will just leave the empty roll for someone else to change?

It just has to be genetics.


Jen said...


We don't have "boy toys" and "girl toys" -- the boys were definitely more into baby dolls than Athena was, and Helena loves trucks, Athena loves Harry Potter... but somehow they automatically classify things that way in stores. "I want to go in the girl aisle!" "Dad, take us to the boy aisle." Despite our best efforts...

At least you have Kaylen cooperating for now!

Monogram Queen said...

I think it is a chromosome thing for sure! LOL

Mimi said...

Hate to say this but....he'a a MAN.....and men are men....

Unknown said...

Sorry Casey, but I think you've got a case of 'dude habits' on your hands. He's just demonstrating a little bit of what so many of us hate about our manly husbands! Like bathroom business in general is 'not their problem'!

Sheri said...

Sorry Casey, not genetics ... at least here. Neither the "big guy" or my "little guy" leave the seat up (it's a pet peeve of my "big guy" as I found out when "I" accidentally left the seat up at, ohhhh 3am one morning).