Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Winter Storm....

...that wasn't.

Oh yeah - that about sums up today. Winter storm my behind. More like "a smattering of snow". Nothing significant but that doesn't stop the news from running all day long to keep us up to date on the "rapidly changing storm". *snort* I do not think they needed to pre-empt The View; A Day of Hot Topics with photos of grass sticking through snow and reporters sipping their hot cocoa saying "It's cold out here, Joe. It's cold."

I want snow. A lot of it. So much that it warrants closing the schools today and ruining the Christmas shopping for all the students (which was ruined for what appears to be no good reason). So much that the kids are begging to go back outside after we herd them in to save them from frostbite after 40 minutes of tumbling in the snow, eating the snow and doing face plants in the snow (that would be Kelton's specialty). So much that we build a fire for the fun of it and watch it as the snow continues to fall late into the evening. So much that it creates the "magic" that is snow.

I want snow.

And this? This is *not* snow.

Their promises of dropping temps and more snow before morning is falling on deaf ears. I do not believe them. Fool me once and all that.

They suck. The hyped us up for days over the gigantic storm coming and now they wiggle their way out of their incorrect predictions with terms like "unpredictable warm winds from the south pushing the cold air out". and "We seem to be in a warm bubble area - snow all around us but not falling here in the expected amounts."

Yeah whatever.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a job where you can be wrong so much of the time and still collect a paycheck?

I want snow. And yes, I'm pouting.


Kristen said...

boo. sorry you aren't getting your snow. And face plants? Ouch!

Dakota said...

I'm pouting, too. (In case you could not tell from 10 feet away.)

This sucks.

Stacey said...

I'll send you some of ours. We got hit by quite a bit last night. A snowstorm is promised for Friday but like you've said, they're usually wrong.

Lynilu said...

I do believe you snivel and whine about wanting snow louder than Caroline! Heaven forbid having you both in the same room! LOL!

Casey said...

Kristen: Yes - he enjoys smashing his face into the snow on the ground. You know - just for fun.

Dakota: So that was *you* whining, eh? :)

Stacey: I will happily take it! :)

Lynilu: I wouldn't be pouting if they hadn't spent the last three days gearing us up for the "huge snowfall", blah blah blah that was supposed to arrive at 7 this morning. If they hadn't told us it was happening, I wouldn't be expecting it and looking forward to it and therefore I would not be disappointed and would have no reason to pout. So there. :) :)

Julie said...

It's mighy cold out there though. If it's not going to snow then it should at least be warm!

Unknown said...

Blah! Artic Blast my foot! I am so supremely irritated. I have been grumbling ALL day! Jeri

Tina said...

I want to be a weather man!!! Geesh!! Plus, to not show ANY daytime programming for the storm that NEVER happened...WTF!

Monogram Queen said...

I get pissed at the weather people too, so much hype then - letdown! Bah humbug on them!

Stella said...

I looked at your long-range weather forecast and it looks like there's still hope ( I'll be happy to exchange our warm gray fog & mist for even a hint of the white stuff!

Tanya said...

At least you get some snow, we don't get nada. What are the temps like up there? High and Low.