Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Put On Your Big Boy Pants And Deal With It!

We seem to have a big boy living at our house. Day 4 in big boy pants and going strong. Wow. I have to say, all that advice I've been given seemed to be right on the money for my little guy - I waited him out and on Saturday, when I gave him his usual choice of "Big boy pants or diaper today?" he said "Big boy pants!"

I about fell over.

We were at my sisters house for the Thanksgiving weekend and luckily I had tossed in his undies "just in case". I grabbed those Scooby Do underoos in size 4, hoisted them on his little body and away we went.

We even had a hugely successful drive home on Sunday. A four hour drive with a "pull off quick to the nearest gas station" when a little voice said "Mom? I gotta pee."

Yesterday we took a special outing to the mall to pick out two new packages of underwear. Did he want more Scooby? More Bob the Builder or Nemo? Maybe Thomas the Tank Engine?

Nope. He wanted superheroes. Spider Man and The Incredibles.

My sister would be so proud.


Anonymous said...

Yeah Prince!!! :o)

Catherine said...

WTG little prince! Oh god super heroes. I am dreading that phase.

Laura said...


Lois said...

Way to go big boy!!!!

Sam's choice is Buzz Lightyear and if he can't find any of those Spiderman. How do we have superhero loving boys already???

em1__mak2 said...

Yay Kelton! Can he call Milo now and tell him how great it is to be a big boy in real underpants?

Sonya said...

Way to go Prince!

Way to go Mom for hanging back, yet sticking with it.

Shawna said...

way to go Mr. Prince!!!

Casey said...

Nope- not nap or night trained. Hey - I'm doing good to have him day trained! :) I've been working on this for a year.