Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Give Me An "L"!

Ah the sweetness of it all. Season Two of "The L Word" is out and we own it. Talk about a great series! We will be starting the 4th episode tonight because even though it means *very* late nights for two overly tired mommies I just can not get enough of this show. I just have to know what happens.

D was pretty sure we’d lost our minds when we didn’t shut the DVD player off until after 11:00 last night. (she gets up at 5:00am, and I am awake on and off all night with the baby, and we'd gotten very little sleep the night before). Somehow, though, watching all those women (OK, yes, HOT women) validating our lives is totally worth it. Check ‘em out on line at: L Word On-line

D wants to be Shane when she grow up. And yes, we realize that would mean she would have to start aging backwards. Let’s put it this way, she *wishes* she had been Shane when she was younger (without all the emotional baggage but isn't that what's really fascinating about Shane? All that baggage and why she is the way she is.) Funny, D want to BE Shane, but as for me, I just want to BE WITH Shane. Works, though, doesn’t it? *evil grin*

I have a question though.... when DO the women of "The L Word" find the time to hang out in bars and coffee houses, drinking, dancing, and doing it? Oh, right, no kids yet! Hmmm.....that sure isn't my life (anymore).

Not that my life is something I want to escape from (most of the time) but day dreaming and thinking of all that is taking place on the show really does offer me a reprive from my own "stuff". Don't get me wrong, I have a great life and great family, but we all could use a good fantasy now and then!

And Shane? Well she's a great fantasy. A great big double helping of a great fantasy. :)

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Casey, I love that show too and shane is hot. I also kind of like Alice. We are part way through season 2 in Canada. It helps me get through my QAF/Brian withdrawl. I just think they have sex to much, come on even the boys on QAF never had this much sex! And Tina is the horniest pg lady I have ever seen. I lost my sex drive in pg, when the little guy would start kicking during my big moment (tmi). Anyhow, I lveo arguing about thier morals with Karen. And I also feel I am somehow not missing saturday nights at the "Drugstore" (Local lesbian hangout) watching this.