Thursday, October 06, 2005

A Typical Day For This SAHM

Tracey got me much *do* I do in any give day? I'm going to run down the list and then I'll edit and add as the day goes on.

In bed by 11:15pm
Nurse baby 50 trillion times - ok, more like three - during the night
Wake at 7:20 to a little voice saying "Mama - I wanna watch TV."
I get up, turn on his show, and head back to bed. I notice the time. *grumble* No returning to bed for me.
I turn on the coffee and computer
check email real quick
start laundry
go into my bathroom and prepare for a shower
get interupted by a little boy who wants me to watch part of his Hi-5 show with him
I comply to his request (baby is still sleeping)
After watching, I jump in the shower
get dressed
baby wakes, I nurse her, play a bit, change her diaper and get her dressed
I dress the boy
I go out and make coffee
drink some, play with the baby and watch the boy on the computer as he eats breakfast
answer the phone, it's my friend saying that she can't go to the new moms group we were going to attend today - since I don't want to go alone, I'm suddenly at a lose for what to do for the morning
I go to make all three beds - but then decide to change sheets. I start with the bed in the baby's room then realize I need to wash the sheets from that bed in order to have a clean set for the master bed. Start to strip the boys bed and then realize that he will have a fit if his pillow case isn't on his pillow at nap time. This is far more complicated than it should be.

I make the boys bed - I'll wash those sheets this afternoon.
Start more laundry, fold what was in the dryer
(Time check: it's 9:00)
The baby is showing signs of needing her morning nap
I take her and nurse her and as she is drifting off the boy comes into the room talking a mile a minute. The baby loves her brother and bolts upright at the sound of his voice.
Send the boy out of the room with the promise of a special art project after baby is sleeping and try again to get baby to sleep.
Repeat above scenerio.
Baby not sleeping - take her out to the livingroom to play
Have more coffee
(time check: 9:45)
Change poppy baby diaper and try the sleep thing again
Baby asleep
Return to livingroom and ask boy if he's ready for art project
Get out paint, paper, marbles and small roasting pan
Create artwork and have fun
Answer a phone call
Return to the patio to find the boy has left painty handprints on everything
Go into the kitchen to retrieve a rag
Notice there is a pile of rags on the floor and GROSS! What did I just step in?
Inquire - what got spilled?
Inquire again
"Nothing spilled. I peed"
Argh. Asks why and discuss proper peeing location
Clean up mess both inside and out
Check AOL for Tracey - make sure she isn't having her baby yet. Talk with her for a while.
Start more laundry, fold more laundry
Answer phone call - it's Tracey :)
finish folding and putting away
Make PB&J for the boy
Clean kitchen/do dishes/set out breakfast stuff for Friday
check email, start this posting
play with the boy
baby wakes up, go get her, change her and play with her
Check load in dryer - turn dryer back on
(time check: 11:45)
Feed dogs
spend time with kids playing
remember that my goal for the day was to hang the letters that spell the baby's name in her room (I've had them since she was 2 months old)
set the kids up with their toys and head to kitchen to prepare letters for sticking to wall
put the letters on the wall in baby's room
hear baby crying go to investigate
inquire - hear "I don't know" but know better than that. Inquire again
Finally the boy admits to laying in her back
Talk about how we can't do that and ask why. He knows reason. Talk about not hurting her on purpose.
Help them get back to playing
The baby is hungry so we go off to her room to nurse
The boy follows in a few minutes and decides to have a potato sack race with a pillowcase waiting to be washed
We all laugh
The boy climbs on the bed with us and we have a kissing fight which turns into a rasberry blowing fight
Hair pulling occurs so I end play session

Talk with D on the phone to find out how her morning went
Returned to the livingroom to play with the kids - the prince wanted to watch Mr. Rogers which was a good idea as nap time was quickly approaching
I folded laundry and put duvet cover back on comforter while the baby played with the toys in her room
The prince comes to find me and says he is ready for his nap (before the end of his show) so I get him ready, read a story and tuck him in
Nurse the baby in hopes she will want to sleep as well - no luck.
Returned to livingroom, played some more and then read the paper while she played
She is tired so try to put her down again

to be continued...................


Sonya said...

and somewhere along this lines someone thinks this is easy???

I don't know how you do it, I don't know how Carie does it. While I never want to leave home and it always takes forever to get out the door (everyone's got to have just one more kiss :)), I do look forward to my "break" by going to work.

Shawna said...

Casey, you have been so much better than me today... So far I've been SO MUCH more lazy than you today!!!
You need a nap right about now :)

Laura said...

Casey, you just don't do nearly enough. I mean you only did what 300 things before lunch? That's just criminally lazy of you.

I really admire you taking care of two kids and a house day in and day out. Work is a pita, and the house doesn't take care of itself when you're out of it, but it is a break. Hugs!!!!!!!!!!!