Saturday, October 08, 2005

I Hate Playdoh.

There. I said it. I hate Playdoh. I despise it. It gets everywhere- the table, the floor, the tread of shoes, ground into the chair fabric, the prince's hair, in the princess' mouth...everywhere - it's get everywhere. Can you tell what I just finished cleaning up?

And while I'm at it - I hate watercolors, crayons, markers, finger paints, stickers and scissors.

I think I'm anti-art. I wasn't always - it's only been recently I've started to have a love/hate relationship with craft projects.

The prince LOVES to do craft projects. I honestly think he would do them all day long if I gave him unending access to the cabinet. But the mess! Oh the mess.

Being the good mom that I try to be though, I give into his requests easily. Being creative makes him a very happy boy and if my boy is happy, so am I.

But I really do hate the mess.

I wonder if our parents felt the same way.


Estelle said...

Blah. I hate it too...
but I wonder... have you gotten your floam yet? How do you like THAT? It is everything the prince hoped it would be?

Sonya said...

So did the FLOAM arrive? How goes it?