It was birthday party day!
We got ready and headed out for the drive to my dad's apartment. We arrived after my sister and the 3 other kids and it was really good to give Kelton a hug and a smooch. I missed the little guy. :)
It wasn't long before my brother arrived with lunch so we got everyone fed and then headed over the the game room for some hand pool (which is basically rolling the balls on the pool table and trying to get them into the pockets. Pool cues and kids are usually a bad mix so we avoid that) and mini-golf. There was a Wheel of Fortune type wheel in there and the kids had a good time playing with that, too.

There was also a Wii that was set up in another room and the older kids went over there to play some games while the younger ones and a few adults headed back to the apartment to hang out and play. I spent some time looking through photo albums with Kaylen because she wanted to know what I looked like when I was 4 years old. Long after she got bored and moved on I sat and looked through more books. It brought back many, many memories; bittersweet to be sure.

Finally everyone returned from playing games and it was present time!

Followed by cake time!

From there we hit Red Robin for an early dinner and then decided to go to Marshall's. None of us had ever been before so it was fun to look around. I ended up finding, and falling in love with, birthday ice cream bowls, a cupcake adorned plate and a small cupcake adorned platter (they all go together). I got two ice cream bowls, the outside are similar but the insides are different: one is blue and one is pink. Perfect! I love them so much it borders on ridiculous. :) And get this - I got all 4 pieces for $12! That's a deal because these are great and destined to become a cherished family tradition for birthdays.
Kelton picked up a new backpack for school since the zipper on his gave out last week and both kids scored with a paint and paper set.
By the time we were done there it was time to head back to James' house. We all played in the hot tub for a short while and then the kiddos were put to bed.
It was another long, but very good, day.
Sunday we packed up the car and drove the 4.5 hours home. Phew! What a weekend!
And in case you are wondering, antibiotics are a miracle drug. My thumb is so, so, so much better now. Sore to touch but oh so much better. I can bend it again *and* it is no longer swollen to twice the size of the other. Gotta love that. :)