Tuesday, March 17, 2009

She Told You What?!?

Kelton and Kaylen have been excited beyond believe about St. Patrick's Day. We've talked and talked and talked about it, wearing green and especially about the leprechauns.

Today when Kelton arrived home he brought with him the art/writing project of the day and, no surprise, it centered around St. Patrick's Day. The surprise came bursting forth when he read it to me.

It says:
Who: Leprechaun is a kind of male faerie.
Where: They (are) said to inhabit the island of Ireland.
What: They are not real.

Read that last line again: They are not real.

WHAT?? Who said she can steal the magic of childhood that some parents allow their children to believe? WE allow them to believe and I am a little pissed off that she took it upon herself to say otherwise.

I asked Kelton how she knew for sure they weren't real and he said "I don't think she does because *I* think they're real."

Which is fine and dandy but still.......but STILL!

I would love to take all the "magic stealers" who insist on ruining things for kids who *want* to believe and lock them up behind a nice sturdy aluminum fence installation.

Seriously. Ruin it for your own kid but don't ruin it for mine.

What's next? The Tooth Fairy?

*side note: I think "faerie" is as weird way to teach 1st graders in the United States how to spell fairy. I'm just saying....not that it isn't "technically" correct.......


Audra said...

Oh my goodness! That teacher seems like quite the winner :/

Kristen said...

that is wrong. hopefully before easter you can make sure she doesn't spill the beans about the easter bunny. Sure, there may be kids who are old enough not to believe, but some still do and some have younger siblings that do.

Mimi said...

I say go to school and kick her ASS....you know we can only keep our children - children for so long and we need NO help and making them grow up!!!!

Shannon said...

Wow. That stinks. What's next? The Easter Bunny? Santa Claus? Grrr. I'm pissed on your behalf!

Monogram Queen said...


I cannot stand those freaks who insist you are "lying" to your child.

Good for Kelton for still believing!