Wednesday, March 11, 2009

An Afternoon at the Park

A friend sent out an email to a bunch of people today inviting whoever was free to join her and her kids at the park. The sun was shining so I said I would love to go and run off some kid-energy. After all, it was an early release day for Kelton and a long afternoon stretched out.

I pulled on my heavy winter coat because even though it was sunny with a 50 degree temperature, the wind was whipping but good. The kids, of course, opted to fore go common sense coats and went with the spring look.
As it turned out only three of us where brave enough to go (and about a zillion other people, all craving fresh air, who were there). It was a nice break and the kids had a great time. (But a special note to the Parks and Rec's time to unlock the park bathrooms. Thanks!)

Kaylen and Evan spinning on the swings.

Evan (big brother to Jaren)

Kelton who is waaaay too cool to be at the park these days. At least, that's what he wants you to believe. :)

Baby Jaren

Goofy child of mine.

I actually kind of love this innocent looking, right? :)

Monkey girl swinging on the rings and the dropping to the ground.

Trying to get a picture of my with my kids but no one wanted to cooperate. Figures. :)

The boys: Kelton, Evan and Nick

My cool kid and the flower princess. :)


Monogram Queen said...

LMAO at the "cool kid". Oh it starts early doesn't it?!
My girl loves loves loves the park!
Yay for park time and spinning on swings!

Dakota said...

That last picture cracks me up!

Sheri said...

I love how the boys are perfect stepping stones--kinda funny. Thanks for letting me crash on the bench with you :-)

Jen said...

Oh my gosh, Kelton is cracking me up! First the hoodie, which makes him look like a teenager. Then the last one with him brandishing his fist...