Monday, March 30, 2009

The Birthday Celebration Weekend - Part 1

As I mentioned, this past weekend we ventured up north of Seattle to visit my family. It was the weekend of the annual cousin birthday party which is one family party for three of four kids who have birthdays within weeks of each other. Kaylen is a February birthday, their cousin, Mikayla, is in March and Kelton is an April baby so instead of three parties and three trips here and there and everywhere, we combine them. A win-win for everyone one except the August birthday boy, Parker, who is 6 months younger than Kaylen. Maybe next year we should move his birthday so he doesn't feel left out. :)

Dakota decided it would be fun to take an extra day and have a little more time so we hit the road first thing Thursday morning. We decided to stop at The Rainforest Cafe in Southcenter which is a favorite place of ours. We had a really fun lunch and since we were there right when they opened at 11AM, we were allowed to pick where we sat. The kids decided to put us at the table directly in front of the elephants. Big fun!

From there we drove about an hour further and had a short visit with my Dad. He is home from the Rehab Center (he came home about 2 weeks ago) so it was nice to see him in his own place again. He is still in a wheelchair and still has his neck brace on. His leg, while out of the cast, cannot yet have weight on it. His apartment has been modified so that he can get around and he has a home health aide in daily to help him. He is so happy to be home again - and his cat is happy to have him home! (His cat was staying with my sister who says she was all too happy to send him home but I think the canister of Pounce cat treats still in her house says otherwise. *grin*)

After the visit we continued our trek North. We made a stop so Dakota could get her hair cut (Oh I know! We know how to vacation, don't we?) and then continued our way to our final destination for the day; my brother's house on Camano Island.

The kids had energy to burn so it was out to the trampoline for some high jumping fun which was quickly followed by some free child labor garden work. Really, the only people who did the work was James and Cara but still - the kids "helped".

Any guesses what happened next? :)

That's right! One rake in the face. He really should have listened to me when I told him what would happen. :) :)

From there it was Wii games, a trip to the hot tub, dinner and bed. It was a long day for everyone!

Still more to come.....I know you are on pins and needles. :)


Unknown said...

Where is Southcenter? How far is it from us? I LOVE the Rainforest Cafe! I didnt know we had one near... YAY! Jeri

Audra said...

Hey! We ate at that Rainforest Cafe!! It's in Renton/Tukwila right?

P.S. We're thinking of moving to that very area!!!

A Jersey Girl said...

You guys always have so much fun:)

Monogram Queen said...

Hey you jest but I always love reading about your adventures.
I am cracking up at the rake.. that is so something my kid would do. Some kids just gotta learn the hard way!

Mimi said...

sounds like you guys had fun.....