Monday, January 26, 2009

Sunday Morning Snow

We woke up to a light smattering of snow on Sunday morning but it doesn't matter if there is .25 of an inch or 22 inches - my kids are going to out to play! We did our best to keep them inside until the sun came up but after that - they were outside (sorry neighbors!). Oh the fun to be had in an inch of snow. :)

Kaylen climbing up the play structure because there is big fun to be hand in sliding down a snow-covered slide.

Kelton's snow angel. And look at that perfect hand print.

Throwing snowballs for the dogs to catch. See? Everyone around here loves the snow - even the dogs! :)

Jordan eating a handful of snow.

Waiting.....waiting.....waiting......"Come on Kelton- drop it already!"

Collecting snow for a really big snowball to throw at Mama (Dakota).

Kelton making his giant snowball to throw.

Ready? Set! THROW!

Sledding in the front yard. (See? Precious little snow. But we know how to make the most of it, that's for sure. :) )

And after snow play? It's time to warm up by the fire! :)

And then it's time to try out a "head ride" which is what Kaylen calls shoulder rides. She saw someone on TV doing this and just had to try it out. They had way too much!

The snow was gone by lunch time but boy did we have fun!

1 comment:

Monogram Queen said...

Having fun is what counts most! I miss our fireplace!!!!