Monday, January 26, 2009

Big Girl

My daughter will be turning 4 in two weeks. Two weeks! Will someone please tell me how this is possible??? Four? Really? Impossible. it or not (and I do not like it, thank you for asking!), she is and the proof is in the growing. We've been going on daily bike rides/walks and it came to my attention that the little bike she has been riding for the past year (Kelton's hand-me-down 12 inch) was getting small. She was still ok with it and probably would be for another 4-6 months but she began to talk more and more of a "pink or purple" bike that was "just for girls" instead of a "blue boys bike". I figured a new bike for her birthday would be just the ticket.

This weekend we were out and about and I happened upon the row of bikes so I figured it was a good time to have her try out the size I was thinking (16 inch) to be sure it was a good fit. And she fell in love with it! It's perfectly her - a purple and pink princess bike. They had one and it was already assembled so we ended up buying it as an early birthday gift.

Much against Dakota's desire, the girl wanted to take her bike for a ride (and I can't blame her! See post below re: patience. *grin*) so I let her. She was hesitant at first to go too fast - she said "Mom! It's so tall and a little scary."

She did great though and she was quite proud of herself.

And speaking of the kids and I went for ride/walk and I happened to notice how much Kelton has grown since this fall when he was riding his bike. Holy moly! We are going to be raising his seat about 2 inches before his next ride. How in the world did he grow so tall in such a short amount of time! And the really strange part is it has happened before my very eyes and I haven't noticed. Not at all.

Will someone please tell my babies to stop growing up so fast? While I adore the kids they are, I miss the babies they were.


Rainbow Momma said...

Wow! Four? We keep telling our girls to stop growing. Sydney says "I can't help it!" LOL!

Monogram Queen said...

I feel ya honey, I feel ya. My girl will be five this October but will not be able to start Kindergarten due to her late birthday so at least i'm spared THAT trauma for now!

Love the pics with the bike- she looks hesitant but oh-so-hopeful!

Stacey said...

they do grow so fast. cute pictures!