Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Check Those Smoke Detectors!

For months now I've had "smoke detectors" listed on a Costco list. I knew they would be less expensive there (two of them for $22.00) and I had been reading and hearing a lot about needing to replace detectors every 10 years. I knew we had been in the house for 6.5 years and that we have never replaced them.

It's been weighing on my heavily lately so when I needed to make a (very rare) Costco run today, I dropped a two-pack into the cart.

Time to stop procrastinating.

I replaced the detectors just a few minutes ago and you can imagine my horror when I discovered the age on the detectors I removed. Check it out:

Oh yes - these puppies are date stamped 1985. That was ummm....yeah....23 years ago. Yikes! And double yikes!

So...here is where the Public Service Announcement part of the posts come to play: Check those smoke detectors! If you can't remember how old they are, replace them now. When you do replace them, take a marker and write the date they are being installed. It will be helpful for you and the people who live in the house after you. (I suppose, though, it's sage advice to change your smoke detectors when you move into a new house. That way you will never have to wonder how old they are.)

So what are you waiting for? Go check. I'll wait.

No really - go check. Better safe than sorry, you know?


Mimi said...

OMG I should check ours...we moved here 5 years ago and they were here when we moved in....

Kristen said...

Does it count if you have the costco box of 3, but just never installed them? Sigh, I know it doesn't count. I'm such a procrastinator.

Casey said...

Mimi: Get new ones. Better safe than sorry. I feel awful that I let it go so long after I learned of the 10 year rule but I did. At least they are changed now.

Kristen: Put batteries in them the place them in places (on top of cabinets, booksheleves, etc). At least they will be out and working. And if it helps any - it was super, super easy to do. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the tip, Casey. I'm sure our are 10+ years old, since the house was built in 97, and we never changed them when we bought. Good post!! And good price at Costco. I'm there all the time. I have no excuse!

Monogram Queen said...

I think we check them every New Years, well I think the hubs does. I guess i'd better "know" eh?