Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Work, Work, Work

I remember when I was young and not doing all that well in mathand me mom decided that I would do an hour of math a day during summer vacation. Oh how I hated it. Every morning she would pull out this ancient math book that she had from....well, I'm pretty sure her childhood and I would have to sit in the kitchen and do page after page of math.

I hated it. And I'm not really sure it helped all that much. In fact, this just now came to me; it was the summer between 3rd and 4th grade. I had missed a large chunk of 3rd grade because of a bicycle accident. The chunk I missed was the beginning of learning multiplication tables. For some reason, I never had make up work to do and they passed me along even though I really struggled with math from there on out. My mom was doing what was in my best interest but try telling that to a 9 year old who just wanted to go play.

Anyway - I have decided to pass along the legacy of summer school work. Not because Kelton is suffering or doing poorly in anything but more because I want him to keep himself in the practice of reading, writing and math. A few months back the Scholastic book flyer came home and in it was the work books and test book, for the first grade curriculum. BINGO! I ordered them and stashed them away. I pulled them out the other day and Kelton loved it!! He grabbed for the math book first (which is no surprise to me - he loves math) and started getting down to business.

Not to be outdone, Kaylen wanted school work, too. I pulled out the Kindergarten curriculum book I bought for Kelton this past fall and she got down to business. All I can say is my three year old is bordering on scary smart. I would read her the directions and she would do whatever was asked. And with little or no direction from me! I was completely blown away. She whipped through 14 pages and Kelton got through 7 (his were a lot more tough with a lot of pattern coloring, etc. Kaylen's were mostly "draw a line from the word to the person doing that action" or "circle all the diamonds in this picture"). They both had a really good time and it was me who finally had to say "Time's up! Let's put them away for another day."

I love that they love to learn. Yay!!


Catherine said...

That is amazing. Enjoy it.

A Jersey Girl said...

I did the same thing:) I wanted Declan to stay up on his reading, math and writing skills, so we have been doing some work here too. He is loving going to the library and getting books. He then reads them and gives an oral book report for me to record. He loves it:)

Perrin said...

That's great. I keep thinking I will do it and never do.

Lynilu said...

There are also some places on line that you can download some great worksheets, etc. Good to keep the kiddos thinking through the summer!

Monogram Queen said...

That is wonderful Casey I hope they continue their love of learning!

momtothreeboys said...

Good for them!! Good keeping up during the summer so their minds don't turn to pudding!

My poor kid still has another 3 full weeks to go in first grade (thanks year-round school) so no summer work yet...

Stacey said...

2 little scholars on your hands. :)

i also loved doing workbooks with my mom.

Sheri said...

Ahh yes, summer school ... fond memories (well, not all fond). But, YAY to you for getting the ball rolling. I wish I could get Nick to be as serious as Kaylen is about sitting still and working on something (coloring, etc). Maybe she can teach him how to hold a pen/crayon properly (hee-hee).

Froggymama said...

That's wonderful. I'm not surprised Kaylen is brilliant, with that much spunk, she's have to be. Love all the photos too!

Btw, where did you buy the curriculum workbooks?

Julie said...

I'm doing the same thing with Connor. If he does 45 days of math, writing and reading he gets to pick a game from Game Stop at the end of summer.